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Opening her eyes, Rebekah glances around the room to check there are no orderlies or nurses. Sitting up, she spits out the pills she had pretend to swallow.

"Amateurs." She whispers to herself, before hearing footsteps in the doorway. Hastily, Rebekah shoves the pills under her pillow.

"You're the sister. Rebekah." The girl approaching her says, she's petite and can't be much older than sixteen.

Rebekah stands, approaching the small girl. "I said as much the other night. Screamed it, in fact. No one believed me, but you do." She eyes the girl suspiciously now. "Why?"

"I know a little something about Mikaelsons jumping into other people's bodies. Mostly because your mother did it to me." Cassie replies.

Taking the girl's hand, Rebekah pulls her into her room now and shuts the door behind them.

"So, you must be that Harvest girl. Cassie, is it?" Rebekah smiles as Cassie nods. "I'm in a bit of a bind here, so tell me how exactly does one go about breaking out of this joint?"

"You can't break out. Once you're in, there's no leaving this place." Cassie replies, sadly.

"That's ridiculous!" Rebekah scoffs. "Surely someone's gotten out?"

"Sure. But not alive." Cassie shrugs and Rebekah's smile fades, as the reality of what's happening begins to set in.

- The Abattoir -

Kol is unpacking his things into his new room at the compound, where he finds an old photograph of Rebekah from the 1910s on a dresser.

Picking it up, he chuckles as he looks at it, before Klaus appears in the doorway.

"Settling into your new accommodations?" He asks with a smile.

"Well, I would have preferred my old room. Seeing as it's filled with a dusty nursery and a hybrid, I thought it best not to complain." Kol replies.

Lunar is whizzing past the doorway when she hears him. Grabbing the doorframe she skids to a stop. "And what a wonderful room it is." She shoots Kol a sarcastic smile, before looking at Klaus. "The werewolves will be here soon." She reminds him, before leaving again.

Klaus laughs a little, watching her go before turning back to Kol.

"Fiery little thing you got there, Nik." Kol grins.

"Hmm." Klaus agrees with a smile, before revealing the bottle of absinthe he'd been carrying. "I brought you something in honour of your return to the fold. I believe it's your favourite, or, at least, it used to be." He hands the bottle to Kol now. "La Fille Vert!"

Kol takes the bottle and looks at it. "Ding dong... the witch is dead! Or undead." Klaus laughs. "Whichever. Cheers!"

Suddenly the bottle shatters in Kol's hand, the contents spilling over the room along with shards of glass. Klaus and Kol are both alarmed, and confused, they glance at the doorway to find Finn stood there.

"Where is she?" He shouts at them, utterly furious.

"Finn!" Klaus eyes his brother, clearly annoyed. "Please join us." He remarks sarcastically.

𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶𝑿𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑻𝑬𝑫 - 𝘯𝘪𝘬𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now