CHAPTER 4 - second chance

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a/n - chapter 4 !! please vote!!

1 month later
i walk into the cafe break room, seeing kaizen. "great work you're doing," i say. "yeah, thanks. being the owner is hard work," he sighs, stirring his coffee. i clock in on the laptop, "who's here today?" "some new people," kaizen informs. "how exciting," i say, "now i don't have to work 12 hour shifts!" "stop exaggerating," he laughs, "you're here at 5pm for a 6 hour shift." "yeah, got a great rest last night," i sigh, "miss it. i'm gonna go check out there." 

i walk out, hearing small chatter around the restaurant. i get introduced to the 4 new recruits, ranging from 18 to 24 years old. "scarlett," i say. "y/n," she responds. "how's work? you get off soon, right?" i ask. "yeah, in thirty," she smiles, "olivia hasn't been here." "i didn't ask about her," i chuckle, "she hasn't been here for the past month anyways." "just letting you know," she sighs.

olivia's pov
"he said he's picking me up this time," i tell iris. "he better be," iris scoffs. "iris, i'm giving him another chance, okay?" i convince her, "you always say to give people second chances, so i am." "okay, but it's adam. why would you give him a second chance if that cafe girl is a ten minute drive from you?" iris groans. "you're pushing it," i laugh, "i haven't been there in a while." "yeah, and you're going now, so you'll probably see her," iris says. "maybe," i throw on my jacket. "hopefully," iris corrects me before someone knocks on the door. "well, he's here."

y/n's pov
i take the lady's coffee order, writing her name on the cup with a white marker. i make the coffee, handing it to her.

i wait by the counter, taking a sip of my drink before putting it aside. i see 2 people walking in, and i wait for them to walk closer. 

i see olivia beside a man, who looked older than her. they stop in front of the counter. "table for two," the guy says, quite sternly. olivia looks around the place as they wait. "um, okay," i say, shocked at the forwardness. picking up two menus, i walk around the counter, "follow me." 

i lead them to a table of two, placing the menus in front. "press the screen and tap on 'order' when you're ready to order," i say, walking away.

jess walks up to me as i pour the smoothie into the cup. "you reckon that's her date?" she asks. "i mean, probably," i say. "that girl could do so much better," she laughs, "do you think it's the one that stood her up?" "i have no idea, jess," i say, walking to the other side of the counter and poking a straw through the lid, "mango smoothie for jake?" a boy comes up, getting the smoothie. "i'd hope not," she says, "you'd hope not." "go do your job, jess," i laugh.

my watch buzzes, and i see that table five is ready to order. i look up, seeing it was olivia's table. "hey, mateo," i say, "can you take table five's order?" "yeah, of course," i taps his watch, and it shows mateo's name in green under 'table five - order', signalling he took the order, the screen fading to black after. he gets out his notepad, walking over to them. i watch as mateo nods, writing it down. 

after they order, mateo walks back, putting it on the screen. "who ordered the fettuccine alfredo?" i ask. "the girl," he says. i smile, looking over at olivia. she leaned back in her chair, listening to the guy. he does hand signals to emphasize stuff as he talks, and jess taps my shoulder. "i haven't seen her laugh," she says, "oh god, or even smile." "stop looking at her, she's gonna catch you," i say. "oh, but you can?" she laughs. "yes," i smile.

my wrist vibrates shortly, and i turn it on, seeing table five was ready to pay. i look around, seeing if anyone was available. no one was, so i tap my screen, printing the receipt and picking up the card machine with one hand. 

i walk over to olivia and the guy, "all finished up?" "yep," he says, leaning back. i place the small folder on the table, and the guy picks it up. "can we split it?" olivia asks. he nods as he opens it, searching for his wallet. "shit," he mumbles, digging into both his pockets, "guess i forgot my wallet." i look at olivia, and she looks quite shocked. quickly disguising it, she shakes her head, "it's cool. i got it." she takes the folder, pulling out her phone. she looks at me, "on card, please." i nod, tapping the machine to the price. i face it towards her, and she taps her phone on. she watches as it accepts with a small ding, putting her phone away. "thanks for coming, hope you enjoyed your food," i say. the guy stands up, and olivia stands up too. "thanks, we did," she smiles. i smile back, and they walk out.

i walk back to the counter, walking up to jess. "did he just make her pay?" she asks. "yeah," i chuckle, "said he forgot his wallet. didn't even say he'd pay her back." "such bullshit," she laughs, "like, not going along with the stereotype but making olivia rodrigo pay for your food?" "maybe he has financial problems," i say. "he looked rich," jess says, "judging from his outfit. you could see his diamond watch shine from the sun." "not our business," i chuckle, changing the subject, "has emma came in today?" "no, sadly," jess says. "maybe tomorrow," i say. "i'm not working tomorrow," jess chuckles, getting a cup from the stack. "imagine if she came in tomorrow," i laugh. "hey, that's happened before, don't let history repeat itself." 

"6pm, on the dot," i tell kaizen, walking into the staff room. "when have you ever been late?" he laughs, picking up his jacket. "never, always on time or early," i admit. it was sad to admit it, but that's probably what got me as a manager. "that's why you're manager," he reads my mind, "do you mind if you close up tonight? i've got a date." "that's all good," i say. i didn't mind closing up the cafe, it was pretty peaceful listening to music as you tidy up. "wait, you have a date?!" i exclaim, looking at him. "why's that so surprising?" he asks. "who would wanna date you?" i mumble, smiling. "your mother," he responds. i gasp, and we both laugh. "that was a good one, must admit it," i give it to him. "yeah, 27 year old's still got the jokes," he laughs.

olivia's pov
i walk around the city by myself after a small party. i sigh, looking around, it was almost 11. "olivia!" someone yells out. i look up, cameras immediately getting flashed in front of my eyes. i look down again, squinting my eyes slightly. i really wasn't in the mood to talk to paparazzi tonight.

they keep calling my names, asking questions that i didn't answer. i cross my arms out of comfort, continuing to look down. "what's your next album called?!" "when's the next album?!" "look up, olivia!" "give us a smile!" should've gone home with conan.

i walk around for another 5 minutes, people giving me weird looks as the paparazzi continue to follow me around like moths to light. "what's your relationship with adam faze?!" i sigh, looking up. i see that i was close to kaizen coffee, so i jog there, pushing the door open.

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