CHAPTER 6 - heart

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a/n - please vote!

y/n's pov
i look up, hearing my name called. "hi, y/n," a random guy says. "hi, dining in or taking out?" i ask. "can i just get a cup of water?" he asks, smiling. "no problem," i say, "can i get a name?" "darren," he says. i nod, writing it on the cup. "just wait on the side, i'll call you when your water's ready." i fill the cup up with water, putting a lid on it. "darren," i call out. he walks forward, taking the cup. i start to walk away, but he calls out my name. i turn back around, "need something again?" "can i have your number?" he chuckles. "oh," i awkwardly chuckle, "i don't swing for guys, sorry." he chuckles, "no problem. have a good day," he says, walking away. 

i shake my head, walking to the counter. "oh, hey," i smile, seeing olivia with three other friends, waiting at the counter. "hi," olivia smiles. "dining in or taking out?" i ask. "dining in," a friend beside her says. "for four?" "yes please," another friend says. "perfect," i pick up four menus, "follow me." i lead them to a bigger table, placing the menus on the table as they sit down. "let me know when you're ready to order," i say. "thanks, y/n," olivia says. i smile at her, walking away.

my watch buzzes, and i tap it, walking to olivia's table. "ready to order?" i assume. "yep," a friend says. "what can i get for you guys?" they tell me the orders, and i write it down. "is that all?" i ask. they all say yes. "okay, i'll make your drinks now, your food will be ready soon." 

i make their drinks, placing it on a tray. i walk over to them, starting to place their drinks in front of them. "how's work, today, y/n?" the guy sitting next to olivia asks. "it's been... pretty weird, actually," i say, placing a drink in front of olivia, "like, i've been getting people asking for my numbers or coming up to me when i'm cleaning, literally just then i had a guy ask for water and then ask for my number." they all laugh. "what did you say?" the girl who was here yesterday with olivia asks. "i said i'm into girls," i chuckle. "is that true?" the guy asks. "yeah, i just find it a little creepy... kinda happened so sudden." "you haven't seen the tiktok?" "what tiktok?" "olivia, show her the tiktok."

olivia goes onto her phone, and i stand beside her and and lean forward. i place my hand on her shoulder, watching the tiktok."you guys... if you haven't been to kaizen coffee, you're missing out. the food and drinks are great, but look at this stunning barista," a guy says. i watch the rest of the video, laughing, "oh my god! no wonder why today's been busier than other days. i barely have time to breathe." we talk about the video and the restaurant for a little longer. "so, what're your guys' names?" i ask. i get introduced to conan, iris and madison by olivia. my watch buzzes, and i see their food is ready. "hold on, i'll be back with your food," i say, squeezing olivia's shoulder slightly before letting go and walking to the kitchen window. i place the food on the tray, walking back. i place their food on the table, smiling. "thank you y/n," olivia says. they all say thank you, and i chuckle. "no problem, hope you enjoy. it was nice talking to you guys," i turn around, walking back to the counter.

olivia's pov
once y/n does back to the counter, i look at everyone. "okay, how do you not have a crush on that girl?" conan asks, "she was holding onto your shoulder and everything." i laugh, shaking my head. "can't believe she hasn't seen the video!" madison exclaims. "oh my god, she likes girls, olivia!" iris squeals. "lower your voices, guys," i laugh, "there's no way she's interested me." "so you do like her," madison whispers. "i don't know if i like her, maybe i just like the attention she gives," i admit shamefully, "with adam, he never paid attention to me. but y/n pays a lot of attention. i'm not sure if that's just how she is normally, but i think i just need to figure things out." 

y/n's pov
i start to make a coffee, looking up as i hear people bursting into laughter. i smile as olivia was laughing along with her other friends. she covers her mouth, continuing to laugh. "should i tell them to quiet down?" victoria, one of the new recruits, asks. "no, it's okay, just let them have their fun," i smile.

i see olivia walking up to the counter, both of us smiling. "what's up?" i ask. "just wanted to order a few drinks before we leave," she says. "alright, what can i get you?" i ask. olivia tells me 3 drinks with her friends name for each, and i tap them on the screen. "is that all?" i ask. "oh, and a matcha iced tea, please," she says. i place it on the machine, and olivia pays for it. "could i grab a name for that one?" i joke, smiling. she chuckles, "olivia." "alright, olivia, wait by the side, i'll call you up when it's ready," i say, writing olivia's name on the cup. she nods, walking to the other side of the counter.

mateo helps me make 2 drinks, placing them to the side as he walks to serve the people at the counter. "olivia?" i call out. she looks up from her phone, smiling as she walks towards me. "did you need a bag for this?" i ask. "no, we're good thanks," she turns around, calling her friends over. they grab their drinks with a thank you, and olivia turns to me as they start to walk away. "i'll see you tomorrow?" she asks. "oh, i don't work tomorrow. sunday, remember?" i say, leaning my hands on the table. "right," she chuckles, "monday, then." "you're coming just to see me?" i smile. "no, i feel like eating here specifically on a monday," she smiles back, picking up her drink. "well, i'll be waiting," i chuckle. "okay, i'm gonna go now," she says. "see you monday." "see you monday, y/n," she smiles, turning around and catching up to her friends.

olivia's pov
we walk out of the coffee shop, and madison laughs. "she drew a star next to my name," she says, looking at her cup. conan looks at me, "i got 2 exclamation marks." "i got a smiley face," iris laughs too, "what did you get, liv?" "um," i look at my cup, rotating it to find my name. i chuckle, "she drew a little heart at the end." everyone 'aw's', and i laugh, taking a drink. i look at the cup again, taking out my phone and taking a picture of it.

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