CHAPTER 19 - web fluid

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i walk into my gym, walking over to the peg board. i jump, holding onto 2 cylinder pegs, gripping it with each hand. i hold myself up, pulling out the right peg. "what?" i exhale, moving it easily up to the second hole as my other hand held me up effortlessly. i make my way to the very top, without any effort. "did i lose weight?" i question, making my way down.

i walk to the kitchen, taking out a plate. i place it flat against my palm, using my other hand to try and pull it away. it stays there, so i turn my palm over. the plate sticks to my hand. i shake my hand, but the plate stays. i laugh, flipping the plate back over.

i walk to a wall, placing my hand on it. i try to pull it off, also focusing for my hand to stick, which it does. i place both hands on, starting to climb the wall as my feet stick too. i chuckle, sticking to the roof. i start to move around, legs dangling off, before my stickiness disappears. i fall to the ground, and i lay there with a smile, ignoring the pain. "still got work."

i walk around la, before i hear a distressed grunt from a woman. "listen, stay away from him, understand?!" a man yells. i look into the alleyway, seeing a man with a beanie, holding the girl against the brick walls. "hey!" i yell. "stay away from joey, you understand?!" he continues. "hey!" i yell out again, walking over to them. they both stop fighting, and he pushes the girl away, looking at me. "hey, pal? just keep on walking. you're in the wrong place," the guy says. i continue walking, and he pulls out a gun. i quickly hold his wrist, turning it up so he couldn't shoot it at me. i squeeze his wrist, and he lets go of the gun, grunting. not sure what came over me, but i punch him straight in the face.

i punch him again, throwing him against the brick wall as the lady yells at me. two men run to me, both holding bats. i punch one, and the other hits the bat on my back. it didn't hurt as much as it would've, so i turn around, punching him in the face. somehow, another four men show up. i start to run the opposite way, hearing the footsteps following me. i jump over a fence, which buys me some time as the men climb over it one by one.

i keep running, jumping onto a trash bin and catching myself on a wall pipe. i start to climb up the pipe, jumping up to the outside fire escapes.

i push myself off the grate, sticking to the wall on the other side with my hands and feet. "please don't fall," i repeat to myself as i climb up. i get to the roof top, but all the men had gotten up the building. i start running again, climbing to a slightly higher rooftop by ledges and pipes. i jump to another building, and the first man throws a punch. i dodge it, punching him. he spins around, tripping over the edge. i run over, catching him by the wrist. he gasps for air, blood spread across his cheek, looking at me with terrified and desperate eyes.

i keep eye contact with him, pulling him up. he grabs onto the ledge, and i stand up, starting to walk away. "ahh!" i yell as i fall through the roof.

i land harshly, feeling wood fall on top of my milliseconds later. i lay there for a few says, squeezing my eyes. "i know what you look like! you hear me?!" a man yells from above. i exhale, standing up. i look around, seeing i thankfully landed in a boxing ring.

in my vision in front, i see a poster. the logo had a red mask, black eye outlines with white in the middle. i stare at it, smiling.

i get back home, picking up a notebook book. i take out a pen, looking at the blank page.

after 3 hours, i come up with a web fluid.

after 3 hours, i come up with a web fluid

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(think of it neater but this concept)

i pick up my phone, seeing a text from olivia 2 minutes ago.

'are you up?'

i check the time, it was 10:30pm. i text a 'yep!' to olivia, getting a facetime call from her. i accept it, seeing olivia in bed. "hey," i smile, "how was it?" "pretty fun, so tired," she chuckles, "what have you been doing?" you'd have no idea. "nothing really," i lie, walking to my bed. "my grammy dress ripped last minute," olivia says. "what? seriously? what did you do?" i ask. "i just had to wear something else," olivia sighs, "it sucks, but it's alright." "yeah, that really sucks," i frown.

i watch as olivia falls asleep. i close my eyes, trying to fall asleep too, but i couldn't. i pull myself out of bed, sitting at my desk. i place my phone so it faces the ceiling, muting myself.

2 hours later, i look at the web shooter. i slide it on my wrist, pressing my index and middle finger down. "motherfucker!" i yell, shaking my hand away as i feel a zap, no webs coming out.

i spend another hour and a half reworking on it, sliding one of them back on my wrist. "please don't shock me," i whisper, taking a deep breath, looking down at my pants as i had multiple webs on me, "or explode webs in every direction possible." i push the web shooter.

i gasp as it shoots straight out, forming a thin line of web to the window in front of me. i hold the other side of the web, pulling the web down with my finger. i let go of it, and it bounces back up, straightening out. "i did it."

i lift my head from my arm, looking around. i fell asleep on my chair, thank god kaizen gave me a day off today. i pull off the web shooter and i pick up my phone, looking at the time. it was 1pm. "y/n," olivia smiles on the facetime. i unmute myself, "oh, good morning." "afternoon," she correct with a laugh, "what time did you sleep last night?" "can't remember," i chuckle, "kinda late." "you look kinda tired," olivia points out. "just woke up," i answer. "okay, well i'm gonna to go and have lunch with my mom now," olivia says, "so i'm gonna have to talk to you after. that okay?" "yeah, of course," i smile. "okay, see you later," olivia says, pressing her lips close to the camera and makes a kissing sound. she hangs up, and i place my phone down, looking at the web shooters with a smile.

i pick up my phone, going onto safari. i start to type. after finding out the highest building in la was wilshire tower, i pick up my web shooters, putting them on and picking up my car keys.

i take the elevator to the rooftop, and i walk to the edge. i place my hands on the ledge, looking over the city. i lift my legs up, starting to balance my body on my hands. i push myself up, now doing a handstand. i exhale, quickly switching to two fingers on my hands. i let go of one hand slowly as the other 2 fingers hold up my entire body weight. i smile widely, leaning back and over the building.

"whoo!" i yell as i start to fall, looking to the side and shooting a web to the building i start to swing closer to the ground, my feet knocking over all the plates and cups of a nearby coffee shop. i land on the last chair, tilting it as i hold onto the web. i let go of it, sighing and jumping off the chair. i look around, brushing off my pants.

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