CHAPTER 143 - puke

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a day before jada's birthday
i chuckle, walking up to olivia as she cries. "one more day until she's one," olivia whispers, wrapping her arms around me. "i know," i rub her back, "time flies, doesn't it?" "it's just such a beautiful thing to see her turn one tomorrow," olivia says into my neck. "seventeen more of this and she's off to college," i say. "don't say that!" olivia laughs sadly, hitting me softly on the chest, "i know!"

jada's first birthday
we go around, talking to a lot of people as they congratulate olivia and i, taking hundreds of photos. after the big celebration, everyone goes home.

"today was jada's first birthday," i explain to the camera as i get jada, olivia and i in the camera as olivia feeds jada by the bottle. "it went so well," liv smiles, "jada didn't cry once." "yeah, it was amazing," i say, "she seems to smile in most of the photos too." "really?" olivia smiles at me. "yep," i grin, "liv and i wrapped her presents and wrote her letters for her to open one day when she can read." "i can't wait for that- no, i can wait," olivia laughs, laying her head on mine. "yeah," i smile, "we held the birthday at our house, it was so perfect. everyone gave such great gifts." "we're too lazy to pack up the decorations downstairs," olivia laughs. "yeah, we'll just leave it for next year when she turns two," i laugh.

after jada finishes her milk, hold the camera to get all of our faces in the frame. "who's this?" olivia asks, pointing to herself, "can you say 'mama'?" jada stares at her blankly, cooing. "'mama'?" olivia tries again. "mam..." jada starts. my eyes widen, and olivia gasps. "'mama'!" olivia says in a higher pitch. "mama," jada blurts out.

olivia and i look at each other, gasping. "her first word!" olivia laughs, looking at jada, "good girl, jada! i'm mama!" olivia leans forward, kissing jada on the forehead multiple times. "i got that on camera," i laugh, and olivia smiles widely at me, looking at the camera.

i decide to have a try, olivia taking the camera as jada sits in front of me. "hi, my jada," i smile widely, waving to her. jada smiles too, putting her hand up. she gives a weak wave, putting her hand down. "do you know who this is?" i ask, pointing to myself, "'mommy'!" jada laughs for some reason, and i laugh too. "can you say 'mommy', my jada?" i ask. jada starts to make an 'mmm' hum, and my heart skips a beat. "," i repeat slowly. "mom..." jada copies me, "my!"  olivia and i laugh as jada squeals, and i wrap my arms around jada, "that's right, baby!" 

olivia digs her head onto my shoulder as we laugh silently, hearing jada mumble to herself as we all try to sleep. "mmmmm," jada hums over and over again. "can you say 'mommy' again, jada?" olivia asks. "mom...." jada tries again. "mommy," olivia repeats. "mommy," jada says. olivia and i let out our laughs, and my heart beats faster. "good girl, jada!" i praise, "can you say 'mama'? 'mama'?" "mama!" jada raises her pitch at the second syllable. olivia and i look at each other, smiles as wide as it can go.

2 days later
i come home from work, kissing olivia sweetly and smiling at jada as she plays on her mat, various toys around her. "hi, my jada!" i exclaim in a higher, excited pitch. jada looks up, smiling instantly. she lets out an 'ah!' sound as i walk to her. "mommy's home," i smile, sitting down, "i missed you!" she crawls towards me, and i put my arms around. once close enough, i pull her up, hugging her. "mom... mommy!" jada exclaims. i laugh, pulling away and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

after we put jada to bed, i sit next to olivia in the living room. "i told everyone that jada said her first words the other day," i smile, "i showed them the video too." "yeah?" olivia smiles, "what'd they say?" "they found it just as incredible as us," i say. "i'm glad you started this filming thing," olivia says, "thank you. we probably wouldn't have got it on camera." "you're welcome, olive," i smile, "now the proof is there forever."

i smile as jada squeals 'mama' randomly as she plays with the toys that hung up from her baby swing rocker. "mama!" i yell to olivia in the bathroom, "your daughter wants you!" olivia laughs as she opens the bathroom door. "right here, jada!" olivia exclaims, walking to her. i watch them with a smile, peeling a carrot. "did you just call for mama?" olivia tilts her head to the side. jada lets out another 'ah' sound, showing her one small baby tooth, about two more growing. "take a nap, jada," olivia smiles, "i need to help mommy cook our lunch." olivia kisses jada goodnight, placing her comforter in her hands and presses a button to gently swing the rocker side to side. olivia puts on a soft lullaby from the rocker's speaker, standing up.

liv walks over to me, wrapping her arms around me. i smile, wrapping my arms around her. "are you okay?" i ask. "so good," olivia chuckles, "how about you, my love?" "so good too," i rub olivia's back.

we pull away, and i kiss olivia before walking over to the pacifier on the table. i pick it up, walking to jada. her eyes were closed, but i press the pacifier against her lips. her lips part, and i slide it in gently, jada starting to suck on the pacifier. i smile, walking back.

as olivia and i plate the penne pasta for us and jada, cutting the pasta in half for jada. "look who's up," i chuckle, olivia and i looking at jada as she stretches in the chair. i walk over to her, and she smiles. "good morning, jada," i smile, "how was your nap?" i unstrap jada, carrying her out. "ready to eat?" i ask, bouncing her up and down as i walk around the house.

i chuckle, watching jada get the pasta sauce all around her mouth as she puts the pasta in her mouth. "the sauce is also supposed to go in your mouth," i say, olivia laughing.

after we eat, i hand jada's water bottle to her. she takes it by the grips, drinking it. 

i place the dishes in the dishwasher as olivia goes to get jada out of the high chair. "up, jada," olivia says. i smile as jada puts her arms up, letting olivia take her out.

2 days later
i watch olivia in the chair, the tattoo artist starting to tattoo her on her outer bicep, just below her shoulder . "don't move, liv," i smile. "i know," olivia smiles at me.

i get the same thing tattooed on me at the same spot, and olivia and i look in the mirror at the small tattoo. we smile, seeing 'jada <3' tattooed on us in a typewriter print.

we walk into sofia's house. "mom, guess what?" olivia says. "wait, you haven't- you didn't tell her?" i ask. "no," olivia laughs.

olivia shows sofia the tattoo. "wow," sofia says, "that's really cute! thanks for getting it minimal." olivia laughs, "i know! y/n got it too." "same place?" sofia asks, smiling at me. "yeah," i smile.

after picking jada up from sofia's house, we walk to the car to get lunch. 

i hold jada as we walk out of the restaurant, olivia pushing the stroller. jada presses her head against my neck, and i bring one hand up and slide it under her shirt, rubbing her back. 

i scrunch my face and stop walking as i feel hot liquid run down my neck. "liv," i say, walking to the side and stopping. olivia looks at me, pulling over too. jada sits up, and olivia laughs at me, covering her mouth. "she puked, didn't she?" i ask. "yes," olivia laughs, "not a lot, though!" olivia gets out baby wipes from the stroller, and i place jada in the stroller and strap her in. olivia wipes my neck as i look down, chuckling.

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