CHAPTER 30 - y/n and i aren't dating

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a/n - please vote

conan and madison join our bed as olivia decides to go live on instagram. we all sit against the the pillows, blankets spread across ours laps. the order going me, olivia, conan then madison from left to right. "alright, we ready?" olivia asks. we all say yes, and olivia leans over, going to the 'live' section on her phone, which was propped up against my bag. she taps the button.

after we wait about a minute, there was about 20k people on the live already. as suspected, 70% of the comments were about olivia and i. "good evening, everyone! where'd you get your hoodie from? oh, i don't know... it's not mine," olivia says. olivia glances at me quickly, and i look at her. i catch her gaze for a second, right before she looks back forward. 

we get to the topic of space. "do you guys ever just wanna take a bite out of the sun?" conan asks. "well, you wouldn't make it. you wouldn't just be carbonized, you'd be disintegrated, pulled apart by the atom and stripped entirely of that atom's charge. you wouldn't even be the data left behind because there would be no data left behind. no carbon imaging no forensic technique exists or will exists that would let even advanced alien scientists tell what you once were because it would be as if you never even existed, and this would happen to you millions and millions of miles away from the sun's surface- let alone getting close enough to bite it," i tell him. everyone looks at me and i realize i just blurted out everything. "oh," conan laughs, "so you're smart smart." i laugh, "sorry." "don't be sorry," madison says. "it's actually cool," olivia smiles. "so, why's the sun so loud?" olivia asks me. "well," i take a deep breath, "because it's effectively the most intense explosion you've ever seen. i mean, you've probably seen things blow up before, but for something to combust to the scale that it creates its own gravity field and doesn't collapse, but stabilizes, tells you that it's reached a point of equilibrium where the mass created in that explosion is perfectly countered by the force pushing it outward. it's a rolling mass of energy, constantly building pressure by pushing and compressing, pushing and compressing, it's cooking itself in really time, and the intensity of the explosion can and will only increase in scale. which is why the sun is getting bigger. the sun is stronger than gravity, the explosion radius is slowly increasing over time. in about 2 billion years all the planets in our solar system will be unliveable. mercury and venus will be gone, and the sun will be hundreds of times it's current size, and hungry for more mass." 

"y/n!" olivia laughs, "you're such a nerd!" "that is amazing," madison stares at me in awe. i laugh, and olivia lays her head on my shoulder. "so can someone on this live send me through a catapult to another planet lightyears away i'll prove if i see dinosaurs?" madison asks. "want a logical explanation?" i ask madison. "go for it," she smiles. "you wouldn't be able to get there in time as you probably couldn't even reach light speed, which is the maximum velocity anything can have. meaning it'd take you as long, if not longer, as the light from earth to get there so you would probably see things after you started your journey, let alone other people or things," i say, "the universe is so massive that it's probably impossible for us to contact anyone else, or for them to contact us, more terrifying than the universe being empty, it isn't? it'll remain lonely for us, there can be systems fortunate to have developed life on multiple planets, but not ours. our system is empty save for us, we'll never have the tech to reach anyone else before we go extinct. remember how fast the earth is moving? our planet is actually really slow compared to how fast the rest of the universe is pulling itself apart. it's getting lonelier and lonelier by the second." olivia takes a deep breath, "where were you when i was in school?" "also in school," i smile. "didn't know you were so smart," madison says. "astronomy isn't my main suit. my strong suits are biology, chemistry and technology." "why don't you become a scientist or researcher?" conan asks. "i've thought about it," i say, "i still got a lot of my life left, a lot of options. i guess i'll just see where life takes me. plus, i like the cafe. less stress." "inspirational," olivia notes. "call me shakespeare," i chuckle. "no thanks," olivia responds, "but your intelligence is noted." "fair enough," i smile, placing my hands under the blanket.

after about ten minutes, olivia slides her hand under the blanket too. she slowly feels around for my hand, intertwining hers with mine. we leave our hands in the middle of us. "how's hawaii? hawaii's amazing so far," madison answers.

i look at olivia's screen, trying to read the comments. key word, trying. my eyes keep looking back up to olivia, seeing she was reading the comments with a soft smile on her face, head still on my shoulder.

i look down on olivia's phone, seeing if our hands were noticeable. the way olivia's hand slightly overlapped mine just before the blanket covered it makes it a little obvious.

olivia lifts her head off my shoulder, letting go of my hand. "you guys, y/n and i aren't dating," olivia chuckles. "yeah, that's literally all i'm seeing," madison laughs. "you know, people are so nosey," conan laughs. olivia looks at me, and i smile at her. she lays her head back on my shoulder.

i read a comment in my head before reading it out loud, "we're in hawaii for another.... eight days?" "yeah, eight days," madison confirms. "short time," conan says. "yeah, i feel like we still have so much to do," olivia chuckles. "speaking of which," i say, "are we gonna go to-" olivia reaches up and quickly covers my mouth. "don't say!" olivia laughs. i laugh, and olivia takes her hand away. "here, whisper it to me," she says, taking her head off me and moving closer. i cup my hand next to her ear, "farmers market?" olivia moves away, going to my ear, "yes." i chuckle, "you didn't have to whisper it back." "i know, but whispering's fun," she laughs.

we decide to end the live after being live for a little more than an hour. "alright, we're gonna go and... i don't know, do something," olivia says, "thank you guys for coming, hope you all have a great day or night!" we all say bye, and olivia picks up her phone. "bye!" she says, before tapping the button to end the live.

"that was fun," olivia says. "yeah, i haven't gone live in forever," conan chuckles. "still cannot believe how many comments were about you two," madison laughs. "yeah, pretty funny," i chuckle. "so much that i had to address it," olivia says. "you lied to forty thousand people," conan says. "i know, but i had to," olivia shrugs.

i lean against the balcony railing, looking at the beach in the distance. i smile. "hey," olivia says, standing beside me. "hey," i respond. olivia leans into me as we watch everything from our balcony. "can you promise me something?" olivia asks, leaning her head off me. i look at her, and we both face each other. "of course," i say. "um, i know we're gonna have our ups and downs, everyone does. but whenever we have a fight, big or small - i know we don't even have fights, but just in case, that we talk about it after, you know? like, i don't want you to just, ignore me. even if you're mad or upset at me, i still want you to talk to me about how you're feeling, because i know a lot of relationships end from of the lack of communication," olivia says, "so i just want you to promise me you'll talk to me about how you're feeling if we fight, or if i did something wrong, and how we can fix it." i smile, "yeah, i promise. i can do that, can you promise me too?" "i promise," olivia smiles back, "i just don't wanna lose you. i'm really happy with you, y/n. i haven't been this happy in forever. you're my home."

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