CHAPTER 149 - squirrel

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a/n - please vote!! officially 5 more chapters left!!!

olivia and i walk backstage after the video ends, and i look at olivia. i chuckle, wiping her tears. "how was it?" i ask. "so perfect," olivia says, "oh my god, i need to redo my makeup!"

we spend a quick ten minutes redoing makeup before heading back to the couch as the crowd rewatches the video. the crowd cheers, and we sit on the couch. olivia lets out a sigh into the microphone, "oh my god! you guys are crying too!" i laugh, looking at the crowd as most wipe their tears.

"it's... it's so crazy how fast life moves. especially when you have a baby," olivia says, "like, when y/n and i were watching it a the back of the room and i was looking at the dates, i was like, 'no way that was almost six months ago. it felt like yesterday'." "that's literally how i felt as i was making the video, i couldn't stop crying at how big she was growing already," i smile. "what's the hardest thing about being a parent?" someone yells out. 

olivia and i chuckle. "i think... time management," i answer, "we gotta put jada to bed or a nap at a certain time so that she's tired for the next nap. if we miss it, it kinda messes it up." "yeah, that's a good one," olivia agrees, "i also think-" olivia and i look at aleen, olivia's manager. "jada's up," she smiles.

olivia looks at me, talking away from the microphone, "should we get her?" "i think so," i smile, standing up. "okay," olivia speaks into the microphone, "so... jada just woke up and y/n's gonna go get her now! it'd be really nice if you guys wouldn't yell because it could damage her hearing..."

i smile, taking jada out of the travel crib. "hi, baby," i smile. jada smiles, and i pick up her pacifier. i place it in her mouth, but she takes it out, handing it back. "no pacifier, then," i say, placing it back down.

i place jada down, and she holds my index finger as we walk to the stage. i smile as the crowd quietly talks amongst themselves, jada looking at them as we walk. "jada!" olivia exclaims. jada looks at olivia, smiling. jada goes onto the floor, crawling fast to olivia. the crowd laughs, and i sit beside olivia. 

jada stands up, and olivia places her on her lap, facing the crowd. "wanna say hi, jada?" olivia asks, putting the microphone in front of her. jada holds it, going to eat it. 

"no!" olivia laughs, pulling the microphone away from her. "say hi, jada," olivia says, looking down and waving to the crowd. the crowd waves, and jada smiles, waving.

"ah, right," olivia says, "i was saying that one of the harder things was also having time for y/n and i." "yeah," i nod, "it was rough the first few months, but i think that since jada isn't fussy at all and will eat anything- as you could tell." the crowd chuckles.

olivia starts to talk about her album, and i look at jada. jada looks at me, and i smile. i put my hands out to her, and jada rolls off olivia after i put the microphone beside me. she crawls over to me, and i smile, taking out a small toy from my pocket. 

i hand it to her, and she shakes it, then squeezes it beside me. "what's that?" i ask. jada looks up at me, shaking it in front of my eyes. i smile, looking at olivia as she asks me a question. 

we stand up, and i pick up jada with one hand as i hold the microphone. "bye, everyone!" olivia says, waving as the crowd cheers. "bye, guys!" i say. i look at jada, placing the microphone in front of them. "wanna say bye, jada?" i ask. "ah," jada says into the microphone, "ah, ah, ah!" olivia and i laugh, the crowd laughing too. jada takes ahold of the microphone as olivia and i walk away, waving. "ahhhh!"

i look at jada, taking the microphone away from her before she eats it. "okay, pictures," olivia says.

olivia and i wait in front of the backdrop for the pictures. "do i look okay?" olivia asks, looking at me. "so beautiful," i smile. olivia laughs, "thank you, love."

"hi!" olivia and i say at the same time as the first two fans come in. we look at each other, laughing. 

i wrap my arm around olivia, then putting my arm over the fan. we all smile for the camera, and it flashes.

"i hope i wasn't blinking in any of those photos," i say once we get into the car. "well... that's why they took two," olivia says, "but what if i'm blinking in the other one?" olivia and i laugh, and i start to drive back to the hotel. 

i laugh as jada falls back onto the bed. "what're you doing, baby?" i pull her back up, and jada lets out a lavender colored laugh, falling back again. she lays there, and i look over at her. she puts her arms up, "up!" i laugh, holding her waist. "wooosh!" i make a sound, picking up jada swiftly.

i lift jada up, slowly lowering her as i blow raspberries with my mouth. 

i push the stroller as we walk around central park. "hey, jada! there's a squirrel over there," olivia says, pointing to the tree. i stop the stroller, looking at the tree. i see a squirrel on the trunk, smiling. "see it, jada?" i ask. jada looks around, trying to find it. "right there," i say, moving her head.

jada laughs, pointing at the squirrel as it runs up the tree.

we sit on a bench as olivia eats her sandwich. "you sure you don't want any, love?" olivia asks. "i'm sure," i smile. i look at jada, and she fiddles with the seatbelt in the stroller. "want out?" i ask. jada looks at me, putting her hands to me. i lean forward, undoing her restraints.

i pull jada out, sitting her on my lap. "want some, jada?" olivia asks, ripping off a piece of her sandwich. she places it in jada's mouth, and she chews it as she looks around. 

i stand jada on my thighs, holding her waist. "jada," i say. jada looks down at me, and i smile. jada smiles too, looking at olivia as she gets fed another bite.

"ahhh!" jada yells as i lean her back. "ahh!" i fake scream, laughing as i pull jada back up. "don't drop her," olivia smiles, taking a bite of her sandwich. "babe..." i sigh. i place my hand flat on jada's stomach, sticking to her shirt. i hold her up, and olivia laughs. "okay, okay," olivia smiles. i put jada down on the floor, and she starts to walk.

i chuckle as jada falls to the ground, looking at me. "uh oh," jada says, going to stand up again. "uh oh!" i laugh, leaning forward and pulling her up. i place her on my lap, wiping her hands with mine. 

i walk to olivia on the hotel bed as jada was taking a nap. liv laughs softly as i lay on top of her. i look up at olivia with a smile. "hey, liv?" i ask. "yeah?" she asks, wraps her arms around me. i look away, laying my head on her chest, "i know this was years ago... but i just wanted to thank you again for when i was, you know, with my eating and my self harm." olivia takes a second to answer.

we lay in silence for a minute, and i close my eyes as i continue to talk. "i don't know what would've happened if you weren't here. maybe... i wouldn't even be here. with you, with jada." "you're here now," olivia says, "and that's what matters. i'm always gonna be here for you, y/n." "i'm always gonna be here for you, too, liv," i say, "thank you." 

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