CHAPTER 144 - raspberry

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a/n - please vote!! mf why did i upload the wrong chapter luckily it wasn't too important

i furrow my eyebrows, feeling pressure on my chest, causing me to wake up. i look at jada as she climbs on me, smiling. i hold her waist, smiling as olivia looks at me. "morning, beautiful girls," i grin, looking at olivia and jada. "good morning," olivia says, kissing my cheek. i smile, looking at jada. "morning, jada," i say, standing her up on my stomach. she takes her pacifier out, and reaches her arm to me. "okay," i say, taking it and placing it on the bedside table. 

jada leans down, and i press a kiss on her forehead, pulling her back up as i make a 'mwah' sound. i smile, doing it again as she laughs. i repeatedly do it, olivia laughing too as i see her recording from the corner of my eye.

1 month later
olivia holds jada's hands as she tries to get her to take her first steps my herself. i sit on the floor, recording on the camera. "jada, baby!" i exclaim. jada looks at me, and olivia lets go of her hands. "come here!" i smile, reaching one arm out. jada falls to the floor after trying to step once, crawling over. olivia and i laugh, and olivia picks her back up again. "what a fail," i chuckle.

olivia tries again, slowly walking backwards as she holds her hands. jada takes small, slow steps, looking down at her feet. olivia lets go, and jada stands there. olivia walks over to me, and i smile. "my jada," i whisper. jada looks at me, and i shake a toy in my hand. "come over here!" i exclaim. "mommy!" jada squeals, and olivia and i laugh. 

olivia and i gasp as jada takes her first step towards us. she takes another, then another, then another before falling onto the fluffy rug. "you did it!" olivia exclaims, quickly picking her up. "did you get that, love?!" olivia asks, smiling widely at me as she hugs jada. "i did!" i exclaim, putting the camera down.

jada crawls to me, and i open my arms, pulling her up. i laugh as she blows a raspberry in my face. i wipe my face, "yuck, jada!"

jada watches as i peck olivia's cheek. she smiles, making me smile. i look back at olivia, inhaling and pressing my lips against her cheek. i blow out, making a fart sound. jada bursts out laughing, and liv and i do too. "want one too?" i ask, leaning forward and blowing on jada's cheek. she laughs again, leaning back onto the bed as she lies down.

i laugh, pulling up her shirt. i blow onto her stomach, looking up at her. jada's legs bend in, laughing as she places her hand on my head.

i sit at the studio piano, smiling as olivia walks in, holding jada. "morning, my jada," i smile. "my favorite baby," dan grins, spinning his chair around, "that- that's not mine, obviously." we laugh, and olivia puts jada down. jada crawls over to me, and i reach down, picking her up. i place her on my lap, and i press a key on the piano. 

jada's hand goes up, and she places it on the piano. i place my hand on hers, pressing down on it. the 'c' key plays, and jada looks up at me. i drop my jaw, widening my eyes as i act shocked. jada looks back at the piano, picking her hand up and dropping it down. the plays multiple keys, and jada presses down on it again. i place my hand next to hers, playing a chord.

i hold jada's hand, helping her play 'mary had a little lamb', guiding her across the keys. "what a musician," dan smiles. "runs in the family now," i smile, watching jada press random keys.

i turn jada around, making her stand on my thighs. "hi baby," i whisper. "ah," jada says, "mommy." i smile, "that's right, my jada." 

jada lays on the couch, drinking her milk as i help olivia work on her new album that was half way done. her fourth album called 'LOVE', was firstly a love album about me. when jada came along, dan, liv and i wrote songs about our experience and point of views of jada which was on the album. this included a song called 'jada' and 'lavender'. the song we were currently working on was about growing up after we first started dating, olivia calling it 'eight years', indicating how long we've been together.

the next day
"you know, jada hasn't seen me in my spider-woman suit," i realize, telling liv as we watch jada finish her milk bottle. "wait, seriously?" olivia asks. "yeah, i haven't worn the suit in a while after you gave birth. i've only gone patrolling, like, twice," i say. "go put it on," olivia laughs. i stand up, walking to the closet as i laugh.

i put on the suit, pulling the mask on. i walk out, and jada stares at me. olivia and i laugh as olivia films, and i sit opposite her. "who's that, jada?" olivia asks, pointing at me. jada's eyes start tearing up, and her face scrunches as she starts to cry.

olivia and i laugh, and i pull off the mask quickly. "jada, it's me," i laugh. jada starts to eventually stop crying as she stares at me. "mommy," she says, leaning into olivia. olivia pulls jada onto her lap. i shoot a web to jada's wrist, and she looks down as i gently tug at her wrist, causing it to move to my side. jada's other hand touches the web, looking at me. "cool, isn't it?" i ask, touching it too. jada holds onto it, tugging slightly. she pulls it, letting go. it makes a wobbling sounds as it goes back and forth, making jada laugh. 

she keeps on doing it, laughing harder every time. i look at olivia, seeing her smile as bright as mine. 

jada and olivia watch as i get off the bed, standing in front of it. "ready, my jada?" i ask. jada smiles, and i jump, sticking to the ceiling. she stares at me, and i pull my legs up, sticking my feet to the ceiling. i slowly crawl towards them, looking upside down. once i get to the middle of the bed, i unstick my legs, then my hands. i stand on the bed, sitting back down in front of jada. "see that, baby?" i ask. 

jada sits in my lap, a web strung from one of my hands to the other. she pulls on the web, letting go as it makes the same sounds it's been making for the past ten minutes. "that's gonna do my head in, y/n," olivia laughs. "how about i do you?" i ask, smiling as i shake the web off me. olivia gasps, laughing, "y/n!" "what?" i laugh, running my hand back on jada's hair, "you said you wanted more kids!" "i do," olivia smiles, "but i swear we have no time." i sigh, thinking, "i mean, she can nap in the guest room." "that could work," olivia says. "it could," i smile, "tomorrow?" "deal," olivia smiles, putting her hand out. i laugh, shaking it, "you're so weird!"

another a/n - guys i think i started writing the last chapter (chapter 154) and i feel so sick like i have devoted months into this book i don't want it to end but it eventually has to....

ANOTHER another a/n - i wrote that a bit ago, and i just finished writing the last chapter of this book. i really hope you guys are satisfied with it when you finish the book in officially 10 more chapters :)))

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