CHAPTER 128 - tour documentary

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i tear up at the tour intro once again, before cheering as loudly as olivia makes her entrance. 

"mwah!" olivia says into the crowd as she blows kisses, rotating with every kiss. we make eye contact, and i blow a big kiss to her, doing a big kiss. "mwah!" she blows a kiss back to me. i'll never get sick of her performing.

i keep my eye on olivia for the rest of her show, before clapping and cheering loudly once she leaves.

i scroll on my phone in the hotel room, hearing the door open. i smile at olivia, seeing her hold a camera. "tour documentary!" she exclaims, walking over to me. i laugh, covering my face with the blanket. 

olivia laughs, pulling the blanket off me. "you're in a bra," olivia states the obvious, pressing her forearm to my cleavage, "that's just for me to see." she points the camera to the floor, and i laugh as she climbs over me, laying beside me in bed.

she points the camera at us, and i look at myself through the screen. "how are you finding this tour, y/n?" olivia asks. "it's actually insane," i say, "it's honestly the best feeling to see your wife sell out all these stadiums and watch her perform her songs, especially when most of them are about me." "thank you," olivia giggles. "can't wait to see you perform, like, a hundred more times," i smile at olivia. "me too," olivia smiles at me.

we look at each other for a few seconds, before olivia looks at the camera. "and that's it for tonight! y/n and i are gonna sleep now because it's pretty late," she says, "see you guys tomorrow!" she stops recording, placing the camera on the bedside table.

olivia rolls on top me, smiling. "another successful day," i smile. "i know," olivia pecks the corner of my lips. "i love you," i say, "like, so much." olivia laughs, "i love you, like, so much more." "liar," i say, pressing my lips against olivia's.

olivia lets out a soft hum against my lips, pulling away. she sits up on my torso, and i watch her take her shirt off. "what a view," i whisper. olivia laughs, leaning down. her hand goes to my jaw as she kisses my neck. i close my eyes, letting out a breath.

i roll us over, and olivia giggles as she lays down. i press my lips to her neck, and she lets out a soft moan. "y/n... you can't," she whispers, "tour... remember?" i groan, "just put makeup on it." "the makeup team will see it, silly," she smiles. i sigh, and olivia reaches her hands down her body, rolling off her shorts.

i slide under the blankets, laying down in front of olivia's core, in between her legs. i slide her underwear down, and shuffle up a little. i look up at olivia, seeing her eyes closed, waiting for me.

i press small kisses onto olivia's clit, and she lets out a soft moan, placing her feet on my back. i then flatten my tongue out onto her core, doing a long, slow lick. making an 'o' shape with my lips, i suck on olivia's clit as i push a finger in slowly.

i push myself up back to olivia after she releases, letting her catch her breath. "are you okay?" i whisper. "so good," she smiles, kissing me. i pull away, kissing olivia's neck. "y/n, i sweat to god if you leave any hickey's i'll actually kill you," olivia laughs, holding my jaw. "i won't, liv!" i laugh, "so i can't give you one for, like, forever?!" "sadly," olivia sighs, "actually- just don't make it visible." "where, then?" i laugh. olivia turns around laying on her stomach, she gets on all fours, leaning on her forearms.

i stare at olivia's ass, laughing. "on my ass," she says. "are you sure?" i smile. "yeah," olivia giggles. i press my lips to the center of olivia's ass, running my hands down her body.

i pull away from her ass, looking at it. "how's it look?" she asks. "pretty dark already," i say, reaching over to my phone. i take a picture of it, laying beside olivia and showing her. she laughs, looking at me. "hot, right?" i smile. "hot," she agrees, "but not as hot as the picture... wait."

she takes her phone, going to her camera roll. i laugh as she shows the picture of my back, which was full of scratches. "this is hotter," she smiles. "they're both hot," i say, and we both turn our phones off. 

i look as olivia turns around. "maybe you should put your underwear on," i say, reaching under the bed and getting her underwear. i slide it back on her, and she smiles.

i scroll on my instagram feed, olivia's head on my shoulder. i scroll past a post, and olivia brings her hand to my phone, scrolling back up. "who's this?" she asks. i look at the girl in the dark blue bikini. "jess' friend, i think," i say, "maybe scarlett's- or julien's. maybe even mateo's. i'm not sure."

i look at olivia as she goes quiet. she stares at the picture, and i look back at my phone. i tap her profile, unfollowing her. i swipe out and look at olivia again. she lets out a sigh, looking up at me. "are you okay?" i ask. "you didn't have to do that," olivia says. "it's okay, liv," i smile, "trust me." "are you sure?" she asks, rolling over and laying on top of me. "so sure," i say, "not even sure who it was." "i love you," olivia whispers, closing her eyes and pressing a kiss on my lips.

the door knocks, waking olivia and i up. i squint at the brightness, olivia rolling off me. i put on the shirt beside me, walking to the door.

i open it with a smile, seeing one of olivia's team, katie. "hey," i say. "hi," katie smiles, "just letting you guys know we're leaving in an hour to go to the venue." "yeah, yeah. perfect," i rub my eyes. "did you just wake up? "she asks, "it's almost ten." "no... totally not," i grin.

i close the door and walk back over to olivia. she sits up, putting her legs over the bed and rubbing her eyes. i walk over to her, putting my hands on either side of her, on the bed. she looks up at me as i bend down to her. i kiss olivia, gently pushing her back onto the bed with my lips.

olivia lays down, and i pull away. "i have to get ready," she whispers. "but doesn't the makeup team do that for you?" i ask. "yes, but i gotta look somewhat presentable," she sits up. "you do," i say, watching her walk to the bathroom. "thank you, but i don't," she grins, closing the door.

olivia's pov
i hear a knock on my bus window, and i look out of it, laughing as i see y/n in her suit. "it's tinted!" she yells from outside, "i hope you're olivia! i just see a figure!" i laugh again, standing up and pulling out the window.

"hey," i hear y/n's smile. "hi," i smile. she puts her legs through as she sticks her hands outside, pushing herself in. i close the window, and turn around and look at her. i bring my hand to her mask, pulling it off. y/n lets out an exhale, and i smile, brushing her hand back with my hand.

"fancy seeing you here, spider-woman," i say. "huh, you too, olivia rodrigo," y/n says, placing her hand son her hips, "i just did a full lap around the city and you're still in the bus." "there's been traffic," i smile, sitting on the couch.

y/n sighs, sitting beside me, "excuses, babe. excuses." "not excuses!" i exclaim, "reasons, love. reasons." i smile at y/n, and she smiles back. a rush of love runs through me, and i squeal, wrapping my arms around y/n.

she lets out a laugh, and even though i've been making music my whole life, her laugh is the best sound i've heard. thankfully, i had put a small clip of us as a few second intro for one of the songs on my album for her that had her laugh in it.

i smile widely, looking at her. "excited for your show?" y/n asks. "very excited," i smile. "sixty thousand people are gonna be watching for you tonight," y/n smiles back. "i know," i say, "like, how is this my life? i get to perform songs that i wrote about my wife, to thousands of people." "you're a lucky girl," y/n wraps her arms around my neck.

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