Superhero In Training

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Here's the official new chapter for this story. I hope you guys like the changes I made.

I thought joining Harrison Wells on his mission to change would give me a normal life. I was wrong. Now instead of finding cures to diseases, I'm not helping to aid a man who can run inhumanly fast. A man who should have been dead when he was struck by lightning. Barry Allen is something that science alone cannot explain and now it's our job to help him figure out what he means to the world.

I wanted to get to work earlier to finish up on some gadgets Cisco and I were in the middle of designing. What I didn't expect to see was Cisco casually lounging back in the chair as he's sucking on a lollipop. "Barry, you missed it?"

"And what did Barry miss?" I sneak up on him and he drops his lollipop.

"Anna! Uh, when did you get here?"

"How about you tell me what's going on?" I motion to the screen. I see Barry's name popping up and I raise my brow at Cisco who looks ready to pass out.

"Uh, nothing is going on. Why would you think something is going on?"

"Cut the shit Cisco."

"What's going on? Caitlin's voice startles Cisco and he quickly turns off the monitors.


"Then who are you talking to?" She demands joining me in questioning Cisco.

"Are you talking to Barry?" I ask and Cisco tries to play dumb.

"Barry Allen?"

"Struck by lightning? Was in a coma for nine months? Woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound."

"Does any of this jog your memory Cisco or am I going to force it in you?" Cisco is ready to piss himself but it would be easier if he just fessed up to what he's doing.

"Haven't talked to him."

"Cisco, there's fire everywhere!" We all hear Barry's voice call out in panic over the speaker. "Cisco are you still there? Everybody's out." Barry says calmly bragging to Cisco about his achievement. "What else you got for me, Cisco?"

"Barry this is Anna and Caitlin."

"Hey, Anna and Caitlin." His voice is very high knowing he's caught. "How's your day?"

"I have this need to punch the living shit out of someone and that person might just be you."

"You wouldn't actually..."

"Get your ass back to S.T.A.R. Labs now!" I order.

"I'm on my way." Caitlin is pissed while Cisco is worried about what we'll do to him for keeping this from us.

Barry comes back to the lab with an annoyed expression on his face. It is no match for Caitlin's furry. "Who do you think you are?"

"Well, I'm the eyes and ears and he's the feet."

"Not the time for jokes Cisco." I warn him. He doesn't want to get on the bad side of Caitlin.

"You could have gotten yourself killed. You can't be running around the city, like some supersonic fireman."

"Why not? This is what we talked about me using my speed to do good."

"We talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the Particle Accelerator explosion. Meta-humans. And aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any."

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