Killer Bees

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Felicity and Ray finished their dinner and finally joined us. "Unbelievable. This bot got 360-degree vision system. I mean, we're talking multiple micro-cameras. All coming from various angles at the same time. Which means..."

"It can see all around the room at once. That is..."

"Amazing." Cisco and Ray are geeking out with each other.

"And not to forget there is also a next-gen hardware that's nowhere near the market." I state.

"So, we're not dealing with a meta-human?"

"No, just a mad scientist." Barry informs Felicity.

"Cisco, you said the second victim. Bill Carlisle, was a robotics engineer. Let's cross-reference his previous employers with those of Lindsay Kang."

"Allow me!" Felicity jumps to the other screen. "Mama's been away from a keyboard for far too long." She gets right to work. She pulls up their information.

"They, both worked at Mercury Labs."

"Let's call Joe. I think it's time we paid an old friend a visit."

Barry's POV

"Hey, so we found the queen bee. Brie Larvan, she's a roboticist. Joe is running a trace on her current location, but so far nothing."

"Where's Ray?"

"He's working on his suit with Cisco and Anna." I try to hide the pain when Anna's name is mentioned.

"I like Ray. He seems like a really good guy."

"He's a good guy. Just like Cisco. And Caitlin and Anna. Girl."

"Is that why you called me over here?"

"I know that you're in a tricky situation, but that's when you need your friends to have your back. And how can they if you won't let them?"

"It's not that simple. What if Joe is right, and I tell them and it backfires?"

"You told Anna and she doesn't seem to have told Wells anything."

"That's different because..."

"Because she loves you, Barry."

"Felicity, Wells isn't just their boss. He's their mentor, their hero. My hero. Look I don't what to do."

"When I first met Oliver, before I knew he was The Arrow. He would...he would ask me to do weird things for decrypt a bullet-ridden computer or hack some company. And when I would ask him why he would come up with these ridiculous excuses. And I always knew he was lying but I would help him anyway. You know why?"


"Because I knew Oliver was a good person with a good heart. And Cisco and Caitlin. They're no different. And the fact that you even have to question Anna's love for you is ridiculous."

"I want to believe that they would never side with the man who killed my mother but..."

"But nothing Barry. You should know that Anna loves you more than anything. Oliver says that Anna has always been a complicated person. She's always been distant with her feelings but with you, he sees something he's never seen from her."

"And what's that?"

"Undying love. She loves you, and loving someone that isn't her father or brother has never happened. Let them help you Barry, and you will see that they are good people."

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