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Here comes some more Snart and Anna moments. Enjoy this update.

Leonard's new partner who I've learned is Mick Rory the serial arsonist forced me to take part in a dumb video that they broadcasted to all of Central City. All in order to entice Barry to take them on. The last thing I want is for Barry to do something rash and unreasonable just because of me. I can handle myself and he needs to keep away from us. Lenny is not the same person I once knew and loved. He has become obsessed with beating the Flash and even enlisted the help of a failed partnership Mick is focused on burning things and doesn't care what my relationship with Leonard is.

"It's strange meeting up again like this. The last time we saw each other..."

"I had a gun ready to shoot you." He smirks at me in my chair that I'm strapped down to.

"I was going to say siding with the weaker beings."

"They're not weak."

"No, but they are gullible. Tell me do they know what you've done? The blood that is on your hands. Do they know everything about you like I do?" He whispers into my ear. I go to head butt him but he grabs my face and holds it firmly keeping me from moving. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"You're a piece of shit!"

"Words don't hurt me, sweetheart."

"Oh, right because you're not a sentimental guy. That's bullshit and we know it."

"You know nothing other than the identity of the Flash. Who is he? I know you know who it is."

"I have nothing to say to you Leonard. Go to hell."

"I'll see you there. Does it work? Pretending to be a hero when we both know you've never been anything more than a villain?"

"You know nothing about me."

"And your new friends do? They don't even know the darkest parts of you. I do though and I used to love that part of you."

"No, bu they know me more than you ever did." I try leaning as far forward as I could to get closer to Leonard but he pulls away to reach for his cold gun.

"I doubt that."

"What am I really doing here?" I look around at my surroundings.

"You're here to be what I need you to be. A distraction for the man in red. The man who you won't give up. Is his life really worth your own?"

"Screw you, Leonard."

"I wish it didn't have to come to this Anna. We had a run and all, but it's time for me to kill your man in red." I struggle as Mick comes from behind and places a rag in my mouth keeping me from screaming. Leonard tightens the ropes and before they leave Mick turns on the switch for his handmade explosive. They hope that by The Flash knowing that I've been captured that he would foolishly come to save me and trip the wire. All I can do is wait and see how my fate plays out.

Barry's POV

Joe and Cisco are working with Caitlin to locate Anna while I take down Snart and his partner. Things are at a higher stake now that Anna's life is in danger along with the whole police department. I have to believe that we will make it through like we always do.

I make it to the meeting location to see no one other than the police surrounding the block for protection. "The Scarlett Speedster." I turn to see Snart and Mick walking towards me with their enhanced guns ready for battle. "Any preference on how you'd like to die? The flame or the frost?" I say nothing as I continue my approach on them. "Not in the mood for chitchat. Gotcha. Ready when you are." They aim their guns at me and take fire as I dodge their attacks. I can't run from them forever. I have to get their beams to cross. "Cover me!" Snart orders.

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