Getting Help from a Thief

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Thank you all for the support you constantly give me. I love reading how so many of you enjoy this story and I can't wait for you all to read how I end book 1.

We have one day. 24-hours to save Iris' life and we're no closer to stopping a future version of Barry that wishes us nothing but pain. Iris has been spending as much time as she can with Joe and Wally. Nothing is certain. Barry and I lay awake for the third night in a row not sure what to do. "Are you sure you didn't want to stay at Joe's?" I ask Barry.

"I...she's not going anywhere.' I turn over to face Barry.

"We still haven't found a way to save her." I state.

"I know but...we still have time." Barry assures me. His phone rings and Cisco's name pops up. "Hey, Cisco." I listen in. "You do. Where? I'll pick you up." Barry hangs up the call.

"What did he say?"

"Cisco found something that could power the speed cannon." Barry informs me.

"We have a chance." I state.

"Yes, we always have a chance." Barry quickly gives me a kiss and speeds off. I find Barry's phone and pick it up.

"Hello Barry, there are a few things I want to say to you."

Barry and Cisco come to the lab empty-handed and frustrated. Lyla denied them the Dominator's technology on the basis of what Barry did to change the timelines and fear of the technology getting into the wrong hands. She has every right to be concerned but, this was our only shot to save Iris and now we're back to nothing. "Are you serious?" Joe asks upset.

"Yeah, if Lyla won't let us have the Dominator's tech, then we're gonna break into ARGUS, and we're gonna steal it." Barry says like it's no big deal. This just shows how inexperienced he is in stealing valuable things. "Wally and I will phase through the walls. We'll be in and out of there before anyone even gets off a shot."

"Uh, hello?" Cisco interrupts. "No, you won't."

"Yeah, we..."

"What is that?" H.R. brings our attention to a floor plan of ARGUS.

"That is a meta-human power dampener. And it's all over the building, so you can't use your powers inside." Cisco informs us.

"Can we use anything else to power this Speed Force gun?" Joe asks.

"Speed Force Bazooka." H.R. corrects him.


"Nothing else." I answer Joe. "We have looked into everything on this earth and nothing works. To manipulate extra-dimensional energy we have to have a huge source of energy, to begin with. Something that only the Dominator tech can harness." I explain.

"Hey, I have..." H.R. raises his hand. "I have an idea, gang. What if we just put you...Iris on a plane to Paris or somewhere far away?" I love the pureness that is H.R.

"There's nowhere on Earth that Savitar wouldn't find her." Barry explains to him. "Guys. Stealing this Dominator's tech is our only option, all right?"

"Barry, ARGUS is more secure than the pentagon. If your powers don't work in there, how are you gonna get past security?" Iris asks.

" is what we're dealing with." I state as I pull up the specs of ARGUS. "We're dealing with surveillance cameras."

"I'm out." H.R. mutters.

"Eye scans." Cisco adds. "Palm prints."

"Nope." H.R. states.

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