Tough Choices

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I loved writing this chapter and I hope you all enjoy it.

I find Barry at Joe's house looking through photo albums of him and Iris through the years. "Hey." I greet him. He looks up at me and smiles.

"You didn't have to come and check on me."

"I kinda have to." I move closer seeing the photo of Iris and him at his science fair. "She's been here during the hardest times of your life. Iris will always be your first love."


"I know it. It's a fact Barry. But what I know is she's not the love of your life." He smiles at me. "Iris will always be part of our family. I will do anything for her." I exclaim to him.

"A guy like Kadabra, he should have no say whether she lives or die."

"But do you believe him? He's done nothing play mind games since he's gotten here. How do we not know this is another one of his games." Barry shakes his head.

"Anna...what he said...he knows the future what happens. And...he's not lying."

"So you want to let him go?" Barry sighs and I know this is a hard thing for him.

"I mean, it just feels like our only move."

"He's a murderer. He's killed so many people and will kill more." I remind Barry and he continues to shake his head.

"I know he's a murderer. But I mean, how many murderers have we put in prison? How many bad guys have we taken down? I mean don't we deserve one win after everything that we've done?"

"Well if everyone lived a life based on how much we win then we wouldn't get anywhere." I sit down next to him on the couch. "We can't release Kadabra just for Iris' life because even if he tells us what we want to know he's a liar. He could send us on a wild hunt while he plays us the whole time."

"But he's here and if he knows who Savitar is he's gonna tell us." Barry states with such certainty.

"Men like him will tell you what you want. But he can't be trusted."

"He can save Iris' life."

"No." I grab Barry's hand. "You're going to save her life. We're going to work as a team and save her. Not some lying man from the future who kills anyone in sight." Barry looks down. I know this is hard for him. "Iris fears dying. Like anyone would. But she's also selfless. She would never want her life spared if it meant letting Kadabra go free. We all see the reaction Gypsy has to him. He did something horrible to her and all of those lives he took. You have to believe that you can save Iris and stop looking for a shortcut."

We are alerted to a distress at the lab. Barry speeds us there and we find Caitlin with a pipe through her side. Barry and Wally help get her to the medical room. "Okay, okay, easy. Okay, easy." Julian instructs them as they lay Caitlin down.

"Come on gentle. Easy."

"Yeah, yeah, yup." Cisco helps and they finally get Caitlin on her back.

"Uh...hand me the x-ray machine grab it for us would you please?" Julian asks Barry.

"Here." Barry hands him the x-ray machine.

"Okay, good remove it"

"How bad is it?" Caitlin asks Julian.

"Uh, it's bad." Barry states as we see the horror before us.

"It's bad. There are quite a few pieces of shrapnel inside you." Julian explains to Caitlin. "And they look deep enough to pierce your kidney if they're not removed immediately." Cisco and I apply pressure to her wound to help stop the bleeding.

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