Earth 2 or No?

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Sorry for the long wait. I'm currently writing a little for each book I have. I hope you enjoy this update.

"I never want you to think killing someone for me is the answer." Barry is wrapping my hand now with a bandage after cleaning off the blood and debris.

"I just hate having to see you being betrayed like that again. He...he tried to kill you by taking your speed. H..."

"I love you Anna and everything you would do for me. I can't blame Wells for what he did because I would stop at nothing to avenge you."

"I wasn't really going to kill him." I state looking at Barry who always seems to calm me. "Well, a few years ago I may have thought nothing of it, but since working and falling in love with you. I've learned that killing isn't always the answer."

"I thought you didn't kill people when you were in the League?" He asks me.

"Snart stopped me before I murdered that man and his family but...that doesn't mean my anger didn't get the best of me. I almost beat a man to death because of how angry I was about my life."

"When did you do this?"

"When I was first getting trained. I failed because it was about learning restraint and Ra's had no problem if I killed the man because he betrayed him, but I've always felt angry and out of control."

"I rarely see you angry or out of control." Barry is rubbing my undamaged hand.

"That's because I learned how to mask it. I focus all of my energy on building gadgets to help the team or inventions for my family's company. Everything I do takes over my mind so I don't have to think of how angry I am all the time. And..." I bring myself closer to him resting my forehead against his. "Loving you has been the best thing for me."

"I will do everything in my power to be the best man for you. I love you, Anna Wayne."

"Barry Allen, I never thought in a million years I could ever be loved by you. And I promise to try and not punch as many walls." I joke with him which allows us to laugh for the first time. Barry brings my injured hand to his lips and lightly kisses it.

"I would like to think I wouldn't kill for you but...I never want to know what life without you is like."

"That makes two of us. I'm sorry for losing control a little back there. But damn it felt good to punch him." Barry laughs so hard.

"You did a solid for everyone."

"I have to apologize a little for hurting him don't I?"

'No, only if you want to."

"I'll apologize for the second punch it was a little harder than the first because I was pissed."

"That's my girl."

Caitlin already examined Barry's blood after Wells informed us what he did. She needed to check the damage he caused and what this could mean against our battle with Zoom. "This is a sample of Barry's cells after whatever Harry did to them. As you can see, not only is it drained of the Speed Force, but it's also presenting itself as chromosomal damage. If Harry kept doing what he was doing, he could have taken your powers permanently." She explains to us and it's heavy on my heart knowing what could have happened.

"Even Evil Wells couldn't figure out how to do that one." Cisco adds.

"Well, look somebody better send his ass back to where he came from or I'm gonna shoot him." Joe declares.


"No." Barry states confusing them all.

"What do you mean no?" Joe is surprised by his son's answer.

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