Wormholes and Departure

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All we can do is wait for Barry to come back or send Eobard back to the future. Either way, nothing will be the same. "I believe it's time to say good-bye to Harrison Wells." Stein declares. Joe and I go with Cisco aiming our guns at him as Eobard prepares to get into the time machine we built him.

"It's beautiful." Eobard compliments our work. "Rip Hunter would be impressed. He built the first one of these. Interesting man." We all stop as something comes out of the portal. A metal helmet looking thing with angel wings on the side.

"What the hell is that?" Joe asks.

"That's my cue to leave." Eobard states. Cisco stiffens as he comes over to him. "Thank you, Cisco."

"Don't ever come back."

"Anna, you have a brilliant future ahead of you. Don't settle for anyone or anything." He says and he walks away. I've learned to not trust a word he says. He gets into the machine and starts it. Finally, we're going to be rid of him for good and then all we have to do is deal with the consequences he's caused for us. Before he can leave a bright light comes from out of the wormhole. I black out as glass shatters all around us and were thrown to the ground.

Barry groans as he tries to recover from what he just did. "You didn't save her. Why?" Eobard shouts looking at his destroyed time machine. "You could have had the life you wanted. You could have had everything you ever wanted!"

"I already do." Barry looks over to Anna, Cisco, and Joe. The family he never knew he always needed.

"Not for long." Thawne places his cowl over his head and ready's himself for battle. Barry rushes at Thane and they begin fighting. Thawne has Barry trapped against a wall repeatedly punching him in the stomach. Barry has no strength to fight back. Eobard readies his hand to kill Barry. "Just so we're clear after I kill you. I'm going to kill them." He points to Joe, Cisco, and Anna. "I will then kill your father and save Anna for last. She will know how much of a failure you are and will die knowing she joined the losing team. I always win Flash." A gunshot is heard and Thawne drops Barry.

"Eddie!!!!" Anna cries just as Joe and Cisco begin to wake. They rush over to the fallen detective. Thawne begins to shake uncontrollably.

"Eddie's his ancestor." Cisco points out. "If Eddie dies, he'll never be born, and...he's being erased from existence." Thawne shows his true form.

"Eddie!! No!!" Iris comes running over to the man she loves. "Stay with me, okay? Stay." She begs him. Anna tries to apply more pressure to the wound but Eddie knew what he was shooting and delivered a fatal blow.

"He was wrong, it turns out I'm a hero after all."

"You are, Eddie. You are my hero."

"That's all I ever wanted to be your hero." Eddie falls silent and we all lower our heads. Iris cries on his chest.

"I've controlled your life for so long, Barry. How will you get along without me?" Thawne screams as his body disappears.

"Guys!" Anna shouts and they all turn to see the wormhole opening again.

"Iris we have to go." Barry rushes over to his friend.

"I'm not leaving him."

"We have to go now, honey. I'm sorry." Joe grabs his daughter and we all make a run for it. We race outside seeing a huge wormhole in the sky.

"So that's what we didn't want to happen." Cisco states.

"What's it doing?"

"Feeding." Anna states. "The singularity won't stop, not even after the earth is gone."

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