Facing New Enemies

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I'm doing laundry since Caitlin is spending more time at the lab trying to figure a way to help Jay with his speedster problem. It's been too close for comfort being in dangerous situations where I had no way of getting out of. I need to remind myself I'm not invincible and have no healing abilities. Life is precious and I need to be careful in how I choose to live it but here I am still fighting the fight to save the world with the best team around. I feel a gush of wind and I have an instant smile on my face knowing it's Barry. "How was your dad?" I ask him as he can't help but smile back at me.

"He was good. It was sad to leave him at the station but I know he's finally having a life he wanted."

"And if you ever need him, he will always be there for you." I finish.

"Exactly. He really loves seeing us being happy again."

"That's wonderful. What did you bring for dinner?"

"Our two favorites. Three large pizzas."

"You know the way into my heart."

"You know it." Barry kisses me and I melt into his arms. "I don't know what I would have done if you were injured or worse...I..."

"Barry, I'm right here. And how do you think I feel every day you risk your life? I'm worried sick and don't breath until your speed back into my arms."

"Every time?"

"Every time. You're my world Barry Allen and I...would be drowning in sadness if I didn't have you in it."

"I love you, Anna Wayne."

"Love you, Barry."

Barry has obsessed again with going as fast as he can. He's training every day trying to push his limits to see how far he can go so he can defeat Zoom. "He just hit 1,375." Caitlin informs Wells.

"What's the fastest Barry's run?"

"A little over Mach two when he ran back in time." I answer knowing this wasn't good news.

"That's not good." Wells tells us and then pushes the intercom. "That's good, Barry." He turns over the intercom. "We have our work cut out for us."

"I'm not getting faster, am I?" Barry asks us out of breath.


"No, you're not." Wells and I say not bullshitting him.

"All right, well let's fix this, right? I mean, I can't beat Zoom at this speed. It felt like I was standing still next to him."

"That's because you practically were. Zoom is at least three, four times faster than you as this point."

"How is he so much faster than Barry is and Jay was?"

"Physiology, form strength, could be a number of things...attitude, diet."

"Nice real nice." I glare at Wells.

"Okay, all right, well there's got to be something we can do about it, so let's just figure it out. Fast okay? I have to head to work so let me know." Barry kisses me goodbye.

"So how are we going to help Barry? I'm out of ideas, and we've tried everything you've suggested."

"Well, not everything."

We had to stop all of our research on Barry's speedster problem to deal with a bigger problem. Kendra the girl Cisco is trying to date has some guy after her that can appear out of nowhere and Cisco spilled on Barry's secret identity. "I can't believe you're The Flash. And that you work with The Flash." Kendra is having an awesome time while we all want to kill Cisco.

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