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Who is your favorite Flash villain?

Henry rushes Anna to the medical area in the lab as everyone follows after. Anna was not the only one hurt when Barry tried to get his powers back. Wally and Jesse also got hit and were knocked out. Wells is rightfully so freaking out over his daughter getting injured but Henry was distraught about his son disintegrating in front of him and his future daughter in law is not waking up after taking a full hit of dark matter. "Why isn't she waking up?" Iris asks as she looks over her friend. "Wells yelled loud enough and Jesse woke up."

"She was right there when it went off. She took the brunt of the dark matter. Who knows what is going to be wrong with her." Henry gets a faint heartbeat.

"Henry!" Cisco runs into the medical area frantic. "I vibed him in the center of the storm. It was like in, like a vortex or something."

"He's in...he's in the Speed Force." Wells joins them with a surprised look on his face.

"Get him out, damn it." Henry demands from Wells. He gets up and faces Wells. "You can get him out, can't you?"

"I don't know if I can."

"My son could come back and you don't know."

"'s not something I..."

"The woman my son loves more than life its self was fully exposed to the explosion and she won't wake up. I barely can get a pulse and you..."

"Henry!" Joe comes to save his friend. "Hey, look I know you're hurting are the only one who can help Anna." Henry looks to Anna who hasn't moved. "I'll work on Wells, help Anna." Henry nods and goes back to figuring out what is wrong with her.

"Thank God you're here." Cisco states as he looks over his friend solemnly. "Caitlin's usually the one doing this, but..."

"Heart rate's normal. Reflexes and breathing are fine. She should be waking up. She's just not." Henry informs Cisco and Iris.

"It was the same with Barry." Henry looks at Iris. "Um, after the first accident, he was in a coma that no one could explain."

"What did you do with him?"

"So they brought him here, well, Wells brought him here."

"The Other Wells." Iris clarifies.

"Right, the Wells who was actually Thawne."

"Eobard, not Eddie."

"Right." Henry is trying to keep up but it's just confusing.

"It''s complicated."

"Anyway, we took care of Barry while Wells..."

"Thawne...treated him."

"Are there any records of that treatment? We might find clues about how to help Anna."

"Uh, yeah, they'd be downstairs in the storage room, in the morgue."

"Ew, you guys have a morgue?" Iris is disgusted.

"Well, it's not like a morgue morgue. It's's like a poor man's morgue, really. Morgue-ish."

"Would one of you go get them, please?" Henry asks them.

"Okay, well, I'm not going alone."

"Let's go." Once they are gone Henry moves his chair closer to Anna. He grips her hand tightly.

"I don't know if you can hear me but...if you can I need you to fight. Fight with everything you can. We're going to get Barry back but you need to be here when he arrives. I knew from the moment my son first spoke about you that you were the one. You've been through so much and there is still more ahead of you but...every struggle will lead you to a happiness you can only have if you're here. Fight Anna. Fight like never before."

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