H.R. Wells

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I can't wait for the Invasion episode. What I have planned I hope you all will like it.

Harry kept what he learned to himself even though I can tell it's bothering him. But these are my demons I'm coming to grips with. I can't have others getting in the way when I need to do what Harry suggested. Remain focus on the task at hand. Defeating Alchemy before he can turn anymore meta's from Flashpoint.

Everyone gathers in front of the breach waiting for Harry's doppelganger to come through that solved his riddle. "Just a little bit longer." Cisco assures us. Finally, someone jumps out of the breach and as he stands up we can already tell he's different from Harry.

"Greetings, earthlings." Harry's double says in a very low voice but he starts laughing which is definitely something we've haven't heard from Harry. "Just kidding. I don't really talk like that. I've just always wanted to say that. Earthlings." He laughs again.

"Wells with a sense of humor. That's new." Caitlin jokes which makes Harry turn and glare at her.

"Hey, sharpshooter." Harry's double approaches him and I've never seen Harry so uncomfortable. Harry keeps his gun ready. "You. You're...handsome." We chuckle at the irony in this.

"I know."

"I know."

"Likewise, I'm sure."


"Harrison." Harry holds out his hand.

"Harrison. You can call me H.R."

"H.R. it is." Harry turns around to look at us. "This is the team, then. Um...this is Cisco Ramon. He can do anything." Cisco goes to shake H.R.'s hand but instead, he grabs is in a weird grip by clasping both hands over Cisco's one hand.

"Okay." Cisco is a little uncomfortable.

"This is Dr. Caitlin Snow. She is brilliant." Harry continues to introduce.

"Hi. Single." H.R. flirts.

"Don't...all right." Harry gets H.R.'s attention. "That's my daughter. You don't have to shake her hand. That gentleman there is Wally West. This is Anna Wayne she is beyond brilliant. Don't piss her off she can kill you." H.R. still smiles as he shakes my hand in his weird unorthodox way. "And this is Barry Allen, or as we call him on this Earth...The Flash." I chuckle as Barry really thought he could have a normal handshake with H.R.

"Welcome to Earth-1."

"Thanks. Earth-2, that's weird."

"Okay, well, we don't have to stand on ceremony. We don't have to go through all the tears again, do we, gang? Right?" Harry always getting right to the point. Skipping all the emotions. We all say our goodbye's for now to Jesse who is reluctant to go but we know she'll be amazing helping to save the city. "Okay, Cisco out with the old in with the new." Harry is still being harsh but it's what we love about him.

"You'll never old to us, Harry." He nods his head and even if he won't admit it we know he'll miss us.

"Okay, let's do this. Oh, one more thing. While I'm gone, never, ever no matter what..." Harry and Jesse are vibed away before he can finish.

"Oh, oh!" H.R. is being dramatic. "What...what was he gonna say? And we're all like, what was he gonna say?" H.R. waves his hands in the air. "That's cool, though. I'm starving. Do you guys have Big Belly Burgers?"

"Some things never change."

"Famished." Caitlin helps H.R. and Wally goes off to sulk missing Jesse.

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