What the Grodd?

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Enjoy this long update

Since his fight with Zoom Barry is still taking a long time to recover than he's used to. I can tell he's lost hope but I'm thankful he's alive with everything that he went through. He regained feeling in his legs but he lacks strength and mobility to walk let alone run as The Flash. "I got you, Barry." Joe helps guide him as he learns to walk without his cane. He hands it over to Joe and is hesitant to take his first step. He steps forward and it all looks good but he hunches over in pain.

"I can't do it right now, all right?" He groans and Cisco meets him with a chair to sit in.

"Oh, yes you can Barry."


"We've been making so much progress."

"Baby steps..."

"Someone get me a bozo button."

"Give yourself some credit. You just broke your back." Cisco reminds him.

"A normal person would've been paralyzed the rest of his life. But you're going to heal and be back to yourself again." I kiss his cheek and he leans in more. I've been trying to comfort him without smothering him.

"How long until I'm fully healed?"

"The initial MRI I took a week ago showed a complete dislocation at the T12-L1 interspace of the thoracolumbar junction. But this MRI I took this morning, it's remarkable but you're almost completely healed." Caitlin seems optimistic as she informs Barry of his progress.

"I'm still having trouble breathing."

"That's typical with a spinal injury. It should clear up soon." I tell him but Barry turns and looks at his suit with sadness in his eyes.

"We're going to get you back in that suit, Barry. Real quick trust me."

"What are we gonna do about Zoom?"

"No sign of him since Cisco nailed him with that tranq dart."

"And I haven't vibed since then."

"Maybe Zoo's not coming back."

"I don't to be a downer but...being an ex-assassin one thing is certain. When dealing with someone you are trying to eliminate you size them up and then remind them who has the real power and then..."

"Then?" Caitlin asks worriedly.

"You take them out when they're least expecting it. Zoom won't show his face when we're expecting him. We won't see him coming."

"I agree with Ms. Wayne except for the part that I'm gonna do something about it." Wells barges into the lab.

"What do you mean, go do something about it?"

"I need access to your breach room and your speed cannon."

"Care to explain why?" I ask not sure of his intentions or plans to stop Zoom.

"Because Anna it's time to go home."

"So you show up on our Earth, you screw everything up, and now you want to go home? Sounds very familiar." Joe still doesn't trust Wells.

"Again, that wasn't me. I need to take care of Zoom once and for all before anyone else gets killed."

"And how exactly would you do that?" I question Wells.

"I'll think of something."

"Very innovative."

"Thank you for the sass, Ms. Wayne. Ramone, if you'll escort me to the speed cannon..."

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