New Timeline

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Here is the first chapter of season 3 enjoy.

Barry's POV

The moment Anna and I kissed I knew what I was going to do. Seeing her go back with our friends in the house I grew up in. All I had was tears in my eyes knowing everything that I had lost. Everything that was taken from me by people I trusted and turned their backs on me. Leaving her would be the hardest thing I could ever do but I know if I do this right I will see her again and we can have the life we've always wanted. One where nothing can come between us. One where we can grow old together with the family we've always wanted. I'm doing this for me but I'm also doing this for her. I take off running going back to that moment that will change everything.

"Barry!" Hearing my mother yell my name as Thawne fueled me more. I tackle Thawne to the ground. I punch and kick him. I push him against the wall keeping him from moving.

"You're not gonna kill her this time. You're not gonna kill her ever again." Once I punched him out I see my past self who wanted to stop my mom's murder disappear before my eyes. My mom is still sobbing as I approach her.

"No." She sobs moving away from me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not gonna hurt you. Okay?" I bend down to her level. "You're safe. You're safe now."

Saving my mom turned out to be the best thing. I finally have both of my parents back. We'll have the life we should have had together. Our home is decorated with family photos from my graduations, prom, and every special moment in our lives. I have my parents back and everything is wonderful again. After spending three whole months working and being with my parents I used my connections to look for Anna. We always said we would find our way back to each other no matter what kept us apart. Even going back and saving my mom didn't stop the Wayne family from being as powerful as they are. They are still mega-rich and in Gotham. The only thing that didn't make sense was there was no Anna Wayne. I even tried Pennyworth and there was nothing. She was nowhere to be found and that worried me. "Honey, are you sure you have to be gone that long?" My mom asks me and I still can't get over seeing her before me. Having her gone for most of my life it's still hard to get used to.

"Yeah, the captain put me on a special assignment and I have to check on it."

"But all the way in Gotham?" She grimaces at the thought. "That place is...well just bring your pepper spray and be safe. Lock your doors and..."

"Mom, I'll be fine. I'll be back before you know it." I kiss her cheek and hug her and I never want to let her go.

"Sweetie I know you're an adult but I'm still your mom. And I worry about you."

"I love that you do that. I'll be back and everything will be amazing."

"Have a good trip slugger." My dad comes out getting ready to go treat his patients.

"I'll miss you guys."

"We'll call you before bed." My mom suggests and it warms my heart hearing her say this.

"And I'll be waiting for it."

Boarding the train for Gotham reminds me of when I did the same for Starling City. Right before I met Oliver and my life completely changed for the better. Everything is going to be great. I'm going to find her and we're going to connect and everything will be okay. I'll have the life I deserve. Stepping foot in Gotham sends chills down my back. This is still one of the hardest cities I've ever been in. I understand why Anna doesn't visit much but I'm hoping this is where she is. Where I can reconnect with her and finally be with her. I take out the information and from public records, it seems like Wayne Manor is up and running. She will be there I know she will. "Where to?" My cab driver asks without looking at me.

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