Casino Royale

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I'm sorry for the long wait. I have been really busy. I hope you enjoy this update.

Barry's POV

I screwed up. I let my extreme love for Anna to scare her off. I came on too fast and now she thinks all I can think about is us getting married which is not the case. I do see a future for us but I am wanting to take things slow but almost losing her made me realize I can't waste any moment I have with her, but she didn't see it that way. She saw it as me trying to pressure her into a future that she isn't sure she wants. 

"So, there's Cisco getting into a car with Snart's sister. The license plate is iced over." I slam my hand on the table upset with what I've done.

"Alright, Dr. Wells you were right. I screwed with time and now time is screwing with me. Cold is back, he kidnaped Cisco, and Anna is..."

"Stop right there before you cause another disruption to the timeline." He cuts me off.

"Please Dr. Wells. I have to talk to someone." I beg him.

"Go ahead."

"In the previous version of today. Captain Singh is seriously injured, Joe is in danger, and Anna admitted she can't imagine a future where she's not loving me. But now..."

"And Cisco's life is on the line, and Anna doesn't love you the exact way you're wanting.." I nod my head.

"She loves me but the idea of us making it in the long run is still on her mind right?" I ask him hoping for a good answer.

"The unconscious mind Barry,'s a powerful thing. It sounds like it took this apparent disaster for Anna to let her guard down and realize a future with you is everything she wants. Because at that moment it seemed like there may not be another time to express such desires to you that she had to say them as if it was the last thing she was going to say. And without this disaster, Anna is still guarding her heart, protecting it from potential heartbreak."

"I don't understand. I thought that I was helping people by stopping Mardon."

"Yes, but this new ability of yours, Barry is dangerous. You only traveled back in time one day. What if you traveled back decades? Centuries? Imagine the havoc you could wreak."

"But I will have the opportunity to travel back in time in the near future and save my mom." The look on his face is giving me the feeling that this wouldn't be possible. " saying I shouldn't?"

"I'm many more people could die if your mother lives?"

"Did you guy's find Cisco?" Caitlin and Anna now enter the lab and she still won't look at me.  I thought I did everything right but I've just made things harder on myself.

Anna's POV

I can't believe Leonard would kidnap Cisco. He's never been this type of person. But we don't always know every like we thought we did. Barry keeps glancing at me and I avoid his gaze. I love Barry with all my heart, but with everything I've been through I've never seen myself being married in a happy family. I want to be with Barry but I can't promise him forever when I know there's no such thing. 

"There's nothing on the satellite thermography." Caitlin is checking everywhere for signs of where Snart could be holding Cisco.

'You were right this is all my fault."

"Barry, how is this your fault?" I ask confused.

"Braveheart, Barry we'll get Cisco back." Dr. Wells assures.

Lost and Found-1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz