How it All Started

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I love interacting with you all knowing you are enjoying this book. I hope you enjoy this next update.

"Shouldn't we cool with letting the Bratva kill Adrian Chase?"

"No, we shouldn't." John and I barge into Felicity's apartment where the team is set up at. "Look, guys if Oliver lets the Bratva kill Chase, he's just going right back into his old habits. And he's willing to make that sacrifice right now, but we think once Oliver's thinking clearly, he's gonna regret this." John explains to everyone.

"So we're just supposed to let Chase live to kill another day?" Curtis questions.

"No. We're gonna bring Chase to justice the right way. This isn't about saving Chase. It's about saving Oliver's soul." The computer goes off.

"Curtis the hack you put on the D.A.'s office just pulled up Chase's schedule. He's about to leave city hall." Dinah announces to us.

"Trip to the safe house SCPD's keeping Chase in is the perfect time for the Russians to do their thing." Renee exclaims.

"We can't let the Bratva get a hold of Chase."

"I can pull up his route remotely, and I saw something on Felicity's computer." Curtis explains.

"Good. Do that. Let's suit up."

"Suit up. Wait we don't have suits." We all look at Curtis. "Oh, you meant figuratively suit up. Suit up like, we're still in the lair suit up." I pat his shoulder.

"Go be a hero."

"You're not going to come with?" I shake my head.

"I can't be seen out there and you won't want me."

"No we for sure want you."

"You can do this without me. I'll be Felicity for the night monitoring everything. "

"They just stopped him!" I inform everyone.

"We're on it." They call back and I watch from street cameras as the Bratva have a shoot out with SCPD. Dinah makes it in time and uses her sonic scream to keep them away from Adrian.

"Two on your right Wilde Dog."

"Thanks, Overwatch!"

"Spartan they're coming for you."

"Mr. Terrific he's on the run."

"Got him!" Curtis calls back and I still have nerves as I listen to him and Adrian fight.

"Mr. Holt." I hear Adrian acknowledge Curtis. He lays some blows to him. "How's that husband of yours?"

"Mr. Terrific?" I call out.

"I got it!" I exclaim and I breathe a sigh of relief. This was a success.

"Wait you're going in?" John asks me with concern.

"I'm his emergency contact. He won't be expecting me."

"Will you..."

"I'll be fine Dig. He can't hurt me." He smiles at me.

"I know you're strong. Just making sure you won't kill him in front of a lot of people." I laugh at his statement.

"I may have trouble with control but this I can handle."

"Stay safe."

"Thanks." I hug him goodbye and make my way to City Hall.

"Ms. Wayne thank you for answering our calls." An officer greets me.

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