Not Having It All

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Thank you for all the support. I love reading how you all are enjoying Anna and her interactions with everyone. I love hearing from you so please let me know how you're liking the rest of the story.

"How could you not have seen any of the Star Wars movies?" Cisco keeps hounding me as we fiddle with some technology we've been working on for Barry.

"Because I haven't." Is my only response.

"Girl, you and I are needing a serious movie marathon."

"Only if you watch Star Trek."

"Of course, you're one of them."

"One of those Treckies!" He yells at me.

"What's wrong with that. My dad was a fan and he showed me my first episode and I love it. What's..."

"Don't say it again."


"You know exactly what's wrong." Caitlin and now Dr. Wells is looking at us strangely.

"What are you two arguing about now?" She asks.

"We are..."

"Anna has gone to the dark side.' Cisco is literally pointing his finger at me like if we were in elementary school. I swat his finger down but he just brings it back up.


"She has betrayed us all in her fandom!"

"What did Ms. Pennyworth do?" Dr. Wells is intrigued.

"She would rather ingest that garbage of a show rather than sit through George Lucas' masterpieces." Dr. Wells and Caitlin are still confused and so am I for why we are continuing this conversation.

"Let it go Cisco."

"I will not until you agree to watch all of the Star Wars movies with me."

"Fine if that will shut you up I will do that."

"Good I can work alongside you again." I wipe my head glaring at him.

"And when weren't you going to work beside me?"

"When you decided to betray our friendship for that piece of..." I smack him in the head. Shutting him up since he now has to rub the spot.

"Insult my show one more time and I will show you what real pain feels like." He gulps before taking a few steps away from me.

"As entertaining as this is, where is Barry?" Dr. Wells asks looking around for our super friends

"Late is kind of his signature move." Caitlin says and I nod my head in agreement. For someone who can run at the speed of light never shows up on time.

Hey, you guys want to see my signature move?"

"You have moves?" I ask smiling at a now pissed Cisco.

"Girl I have moves you have never seen and will..." The whooshing sound followed by Barry's presence stops our conversation.

"Sorry, guys. I got a little held up." Barry's grinning from ear to ear expecting us to know what the hell he's talking about. "You had to be there."

"Trust us, we're glad we weren't."

"I'm gonna need a moment or two alone with Barry." We nod and head out giving them their space.

"You know I have moves." Cisco says as he gets in my face as we head down the elevator.

"Sure, you do Cisco. Question, why haven't' you introduced us to a girl you've won over with your so-called moves or had a girl in general call or notice..."

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