Savitar is Coming

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Enjoy this update.

"Hey." Barry comes over to me while Cisco gets the machine ready for Julian. "I...everything I'm doing is to keep Iris safe. To keep you safe."

"I understand that Barry what cost will you sacrifice others for us."

"I'm not doing that. Julian will be fine."

"He's scared Barry and you're just ignoring that for...for the sake of our own selfishness. Julian doesn't owe Iris his life but you're making him feel like he has no choice."

"He has a choice."

"You're not giving him one when you keep forcing him to act as a communication device to Savitar."

"I have to beat him!"

"What will you lose in the process? I love you Barry but...we may come to a point we have to say enough is enough."

"There will always be something I will do to save those I love." I nod my head.

"Barry, it's not Wally's fault. What's going on with him is not his fault. He's just scared like the rest of us."

"He should have said something."

"Barry, we're all doing what we can. We need to stand together." He nods his head. I pull him into a hug. "I love you, Barry, you just need to love yourself more."

"Julian, you're gonna be okay. You know the drill." Cisco explains to an apprehensive Julian. "Just let your mind go blank. We'll take care of the rest. Okay?" Julian takes the device and places it on his head.

"Just let Savitar back in the driver's seat once more. Brilliant." Julian looks to Barry with an uneasy look on his face.

"Thank you." Barry responds.

"Let's just get this over with, yeah?" Cisco turns on the machine. "Bow before my greatness. Be in awe, as you are in the presence of the Almighty..."

"Enough." Barry cuts Julian/ Savitar off. "Enough with the...religious nonsense. You're just a man. Like me."

"I'm nothing like you Barry. You're cruel, you're selfish. From my perspective, you're the big bad." H.R. scoffs at his comment.

"Stupid." Julian turns to look at him.

"Still here, pretender? Still trying to find your place?"

"I found my place. It's standing here with these people, against you."

"You know the sad thing is that you live. You survived my wrath. The coward. Irony."

"The only coward is you." I step up. "You hide behind gimmicks and false threats. You're not a god." Julian looks at me and it doesn't give me the best feeling.

"Still the believer are you, Anna."

"You don't know us."

"That's where you're wrong."

"Where are you?" Barry asks now getting Savitar's attention. "You said that I trapped you in the future, where?"

"The only place that you could think of. The only place that could hold me."

"How long have you been imprisoned?"

"Long enough to lose my mind several times over. It's only my will that keeps me on this side of sanity."

"You know, it's funny when I think of sanity, I don't necessarily think of Savitar." Cisco pokes fun at him but there's something off about Savitar.

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