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I've fully decided I will be working on a Tony Stark story in the near future. I'm working out who my character is and what role she will have. I can't wait for you all to read it. Please check out my other stories.

"Okay, you guys. I'm here. You got my location?" Barry calls out from his com. Training his speed is going to take time but hopefully, with the tachyons, Wells gave us we can figure it out.

"You're good? You don't need to like, stretch or something?" Cisco asks him.

"No, no, no, I'm good, I'm good."

"Let's take this tachyon enhancer out for a test drive."

"All right. Hoo...yeah, I feel that."

"That is the tachyon device powering up the Speed Force in your cells like a quick charge battery."

"How do you feel?" I ask concerned for him.


"Let's see how long it takes you to get back here."

"And if you have a chance a large all meat pizza from Keystone would be much appreciated." I quickly state to him.


"I'm craving pizza babe."

"For you anything."

"On my count. Three, two, one. Go!" We hear Barry take off but the monitor shows even more impressive results. "Dang, this thing got you cruising."

"How fast does he normally go?" Iris asks as she looks at the data.

"Not this fast. Like ever. His vitals are perfect which has never happened." I state amazed.

"Cool, it's like having a pit-stop attached to your chest."

"Guys, I can go faster."

"He says that a lot." I mutter to myself and Caitlin raises her brow at me. I look away not realizing she heard me.

"Do it." Cisco encourages. Barry speeds into the lab making the paper go everywhere.

"I'm back. long was I gone?"

"Let's put it this way, you just annihilated your old record." Cisco is so excited as we all are. This is the improvement we needed.

"Yeah, you went four times faster than you have ever been."

"Four times? That's as fast as..."

"Fast as Zoom." Wells says with his version of proud. "Well, faster actually."

"Congratulations babe." I kiss his cheek and he is beaming.

"Hey, uh, do we think that um. We can get this thing smaller? It kind of sucks." Barry hands over the tachyon device I designed for him and I raise a brow at him.

"Well as long as it sucks, then I'll fix it." He leans down and kisses me and I feel at peace having him back and happy.

"All right, so now all we have to do is figure out how to get back to Zoom."

"Yeah, uh, just a minor issue. We closed all breaches and have no idea how to reopen them." Cisco explains to him.

"We don't um...Wells?" Barry looks to him for answers.

"Yeah, I have an idea, Allen. Let's keep the breaches closed forever. Forget about the breaches. Forget about Zoom."

"Wait, I'm sorry. I thought that you were on board with this."

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