Loosing Speed

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What did you all think about Iris and Barry's daughter Nora?

"I think you should stay in bed some more."

"Babe it's sweet you're concerned. But a little hit to the head from you pushing me out of the way of something about to crush me is nothing. I promise you I'm fine."

"And if you're not?"

"I will have Caitlin check me out. Please go save the day." I kiss Barry's cheek.

"He's being really overprotective." Cisco comments.

"He's just worried. And rightfully slow. The more we do for this city the more danger we put ourselves into." Barry quickly apprehends the bad guys even though it almost went a little south.

"That one was a little close." He comments to us.

"Nice! Now can you please, please take a break?" Cisco begs him.

"How's that for training?"

"What do you want a medal?" I ask him and he throws a fry at me.

"Great." Wells comments but he seems worried like he always does when we don't have Zoom locked up and his daughter safe.

"Look, we're gonna catch Zoom. We got Turtle locked up in the pipeline. All we got to do is use him to figure out how to steal Zoom's speed and then we'll get your daughter back."

"Yeah, sound easy enough." I fire back at Cisco who sticks his tongue out.

"That might take longer than we thought." Jay comes into the lab with Caitlin right behind him.

"Why's that?"

"Because Turtle's dead."

"Barry." I push the mic button. "You need to get back here asap."

"On my way."

Caitlin and Jay lead us to the cell where Turtle lays dead. "He better not be pulling a Juliet." Cisco is making light of this and Caitlin judges him. "Yeah, that's right. I see plays."

"He's dead Cisco."

"How'd this happen?" Wells asks.

"Preliminary brain scan shows an acute brain aneurysm." Caitlin answers looking at the medical information we kept on Turtle.

"The night we capture him. How's that for timing?" We already know Jay is going straight to blaming Wells.

"What does that mean? You think I did this, Garrick?" Jay nods. "This man is the key to us stopping Zoom, the key to me saving my daughter. Why would I want that?"

"Never understood why you do anything. Harrison."

"That's fine with me, Garrick."

"Enough!" I separate them out of annoyance of hearing them bicker.

"Anna's right. We need to figure out how to stop Zoom. Everything we've tried so far has failed. We need to start thinking outside the box. I mean we haven't even figured out how to close the breaches yet. Maybe that's where we should start." Barry offers a great strategy from blaming each other.

"That's a good idea. I'll get on that."

"We'll help." I kiss Barry as I head to the lab with Cisco and Wells.

We thought Eobard Thawne was gone from our lives for good but he just showed up as the Reverse-Flash and kidnapped Dr. McGee. Barry is silent as he comes back to the lab. He finally got the justice he needed for his parents and the man who murdered his mom keeps coming back. "You okay, Barr?" Joe asks him concerned.

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