This is Where it Ends

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I loved this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

Even with Felicity having the aid of Helix to deliver raw footage of Adrian as Prometheus didn't stop him. He escaped witness protection after killing the U.S. Marshalls. He keeps evading his arrest as we're trailing any lead we can on his whereabouts. He's good too good for us to anticipate his every move. Oliver felt it was safer for me to come back to Central City and I couldn't disagree. I had to make sure my family in Central City are safe. Adrian is unpredictable and I can't lose anyone else. Thankfully we didn't have to wait long as Team Arrow was able to track down a connection to Adrian. Oliver got into his head and arrested him and now he's locked up in ARGUS and we can breathe a little easier.

Caitlin understood my need for privacy. I told the group everything and they were just as shocked as me but it didn't make it better. I've locked myself in my room trying to track down leads on Adrian but I'm coming up with nothing. "Anna please talk to me." I hear Barry's voice from the other side of the door.

"Barry I'm fine I...AHHH!!!" I yell as he phases through my door. "Damnit, Barry! I said I'm fine."

"You're not fine. No one can be fine with the things you've just found out."

"I fell for a man who was lying and..."

"When I find him I'll..."

"You're not going to do anything to him, Barry." I stop his pacing.

"Why? He hurt you. I should make him suffer!"

"You're not going to hurt him because you're still a decent man." I state looking at him finally. "My soul is already tarnished with the horrible things I've done. You don't need to ruin yours."

"Anna..." He steps to me but I back up.

"I deserve whatever Adrian and Talia have planned. I've done horrible things, Barry."

"You're not that same person."

"It doesn't change what I did.!" I yell at him. I shake my head. "Talia wants revenge because I killed her father. And..."

"And Adrian is going to regret hurting you."

"Barry It's my fault. I fell for him without knowing who he was. I believed the lies he said I'm paying for it."

"You loved him there was nothing wrong with that."

"No, what was wrong is I forced myself to move on from you by jumping into a relationship with a psychopath." Barry reaches for my hand and I let him pull me close to him.

"I hurt you and now you're blaming yourself. I can never forgive myself for what I've done to you."

"Barry I..." Barry forces me to look at him.

"None of this is your fault. We're going to get through this."

"He's locked up now but...I fear that won't be enough."

"Are you scared of him coming after you?" I shake my head and chuckle.

"I wish that was my fear."

"Why would anyone wish that?"

"I fear if I get my hands on him I won't be able to stop killing anyone who gets in my way. That I'll become that monster I've fought so hard to get rid of I..."

"Hey." Barry now holds my face in his hands. For just a second he is my Barry I never stopped loving. Not the man who crushed me but made me believe in love again. "You're far from a monster in fact yo..." Barry falls to the ground and I'm on high alert. I notice the dart in his neck. I know she's here.

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