Fate of the Future

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Thank you for the constant support.

"Cisco why won't you tell me anything about Anna?" I ask as he keeps driving through the city.

"Because what you're about to see it's not easy."

"I don't understand. I was only supposed to find out how to stop Iris' death. Now it's turned all upside down. I..."

"Barry in the future you don't handle anything. You forced people out of your life when all we wanted was to help you. You push us away."

"Tell me what happened to Anna?" I beg again and Cisco takes a deep breath.

"We never fully knew the extent to Anna's powers. We thought it stopped at telekinesis, teleportation but we could never predict what would happen to her."

"Damn it Cisco!" I slam my hand on the dash. "Tell me what happens to Anna?"

"Here." Cisco stops the car and I look up seeing the Wayne logo on the tall exquisite building. "What I'm about to tell you it's not going to be easy."

"I can handle it." I assure him.

"After Caitlin became Killer Frost Anna said she figured out who Savitar was and..."

"Did she go after him?" Cisco shakes his head.

"Savitar found her. She was in the apartment and he showed up. We all got there as fast as we could but he had her in a chokehold. You tried freeing her but he was too fast. A bright light exploded through the whole apartment. When we could finally see Anna was on the floor rolling around yelling. She was holding her head and you tried to comfort her but her powers forced us all back and it practically destroyed your apartment. She had no control. And we thought putting the meta cuffs on her would stop her outburst but it did nothing."

"What did he do to her?"

"I have never figured out but she's never been the same since."

"What is this place?" I ask as we step outside to the front of the glass Wayne building.

"This is the only safe place for Anna." Cisco leads me to the front door.

"Hello, Mr. Ramon." A woman with a big smile greets us. "And you've brought Mr. Allen."

"You know me?" I ask shocked since I don't know her.

"Of course. There are photos of you with Ms. Wayne all over her room. She even speaks about you."

"She does?" The woman nods.

"Can we see her?"

"She's had a difficult night but she's doing better this morning. Seeing some familiar faces will do her some good." The woman who's name I've learned ins Kate leads us through the winding halls until we stop at a room with a hand scanner.

"Why such hard security for Anna?" I ask confused. Kate looks at Cisco and raises her brow.

"I thought you knew."

"I know she's not well and..."

"Mr. Allen. Ms. Wayne is one of the most dangerous meta-humans known. She is unstable and all security precautions have to be taken to ensure the safety of herself and others." Kate explains to us.


"Please wear these." She hands me a band that lights up blue.

"What's this for?"

"If at any moment she becomes unstable you're going to need it to render her unconscious."

"I'm not going to do that to Anna." I state and Kate looks to Cisco.

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