Merry and Bright

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I have so many plans for this season. Stay tuned to find out what they are.

Barry's POV

Finally, we did something right. Julian is Alchemy but he's not Savitar. There's something more to this than we know and to find our we're going to have to perform a little experiment. "So what am I doing here?" Julian demands from the table he's strapped in.

"Okay, Julian, today when I was fighting Savitar, it...he and Alchemy they had the same voice."

"All right, what does that mean?"

"I don't think there is an Alchemy, I think it's Savitar speaking through you." I explain to him and I can tell he's not believing me.

"Savitar clearly possesses someone who rallies worshippers."

"But he's like a poltergeist, he needs a medium to manifest himself."

"You." I finish for Cisco and Caitlin trying to get Julian to understand why we have to do this.

"Right, but what does that mean?"

"We think we figured out a way to sync your brain to the stone."

"And it'll allow us to speak directly to Savitar."

"I thought..."

"If you want to try to be free of this, you need to trust us." I explain to him. Julian looks to the stone and I can tell he has hesitation. Who wouldn't in his situation.

"I've never liked you, Allen."


"Having a little séance with your friends now is not gonna help change that fact. You do know that." I nod my head. "Fine, I'll try it." Cisco comes behind Julian to place the device on his head.

"Deep breaths. Okay?"


"You're gonna count backward from ten." Cisco instructs him.

"Te..." Julian is already out. Cisco snaps his fingers in Julian's face.

"That was quick."

"Okay, so um, how long till this works?"

"Not really sure, it may take a minute for his brain waves..." Julian's screams interrupts Caitlin and we all step back. Julian looks at me with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Hello, Barry." Julian greets me using Savitar's voice. "It's been a while."


"None of you are on your knees. It's a smart move to bow before a deity."

"You're not a God."

"To be a God you just have to make people believe you are."

"No one believes in you." Iris stands firm as she confronts him.

"You should, Iris. I hold the power of life and death over all of you."

"How do you know so much about us?"

"I know you, Caitlin. Cisco, Joe, Wally. The fake Wells. And lastly Anna Wayne." I look down briefly as he speaks her name "I know your fears and I know your weaknesses. I know you better than you know yourselves. I know your destinies. One shall betray you. One shall fall. One will suffer a fate far worse than death. This is the knowledge I have for you. About your everlasting damnation."

"Who are you?" I ask him needing the truth.

"I am the future, Flash."

"What do you want from us?"

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