Turtle Time

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How did you all like this years crossover? It was amazing to me in so many ways and I can't wait to add Anna to the whole universe.

Cisco and Wells called us all in for an emergency meeting. One that no one has any idea about. "As some of you may well know, I've been deeply embroiled in a secret, one-sided battle with an invisible enemy."

"No not the turtle again."

"What?" Barry and I ask confused at Caitlin.

"What is the...or who is the Turtle?" Barry asks.

"It's Cisco's white whale."

"Half whale half turtle." Jay declares but I can tell from Cisco's facial expression that's wrong.

"No." Cisco shakes his head. "Do you see what you're doing, Caitlin? Everybody's confused now."

"Get to it." Wells orders.

"I stumbled upon a few of these cases when we were looking for the Reverse-Flash, robberies that were seemingly committed at high speed...people holding their beloved items one second. Those items were gone the next. Tell me what you see." Cisco shows us a video and plays it. A man who is dressed in a hoodie is seen walking right into the scene and no one is paying him any attention.

"So he can...what? Stop time?" Caitlin asks.

"No, no, no. Look at the time code. It's still running."

"Yeah, okay, so if he's not stopping time. What is he doing?"

"He's slowing down everything around him. And that is why we call him the Turtle."

"Why are we just now hearing about him?" I ask Cisco no sure when they had the time to research the Turtle.

"Oh, I don't know, I think we've just been a little distracted with you know...you're ex-boyfriend Captain Cold! And the Weather Wizard and Gorilla Grodd. Do I need to go on? And oh and you two were like awol for a while so Anna dial down the interrogation mode." I nod my head and step forward which causes Cisco to take a step back.

"Oh, that wasn't even close to interrogation. Want me to show you?" I lightly threaten him and he shakes his head.

"I...you're amazing and I am...okay moving on."

"Okay, so if we catch him we figure out how to use his powers..."

"Maybe we can show Zoom what life is like in the slow lane." Cisco finishes for Jay.

"How would you even know where to find him?"

"Well, the robberies in the video all correspond with police reports that were dismissed as lost or missing items instead of thefts."

"The suspect's M.O. being..."

"Items of immense personal value." Barry speeds searches on the computer.

"It appears that there's a press conference at CCPD because the Vandervoort diamonds had just been recovered." Caitlin informs us.

"From Hell's heart, I stab at thee..."

"What the hell were you thinking?" I am pissed that Barry just went to take on the Turtle on his own. "We have no idea what the Turtle can do and you just went after him just like that! Not giving any idea what he could have done to you!"

"Anna nothing happened..."

"Nothing yet! You can't just run in there without knowing more information. We have the time to research and be more successful in capturing him but you...you don't work alone Barry so stop acting like it's just you against the world."

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