Electricity Is In The Air

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I hope you all enjoy this next update. One more chapter and Oliver comes into the picture and brings a load of drama with him.

We had no idea where Farooq was until the power went out not only in our building but the whole city. We all shared the same look when we knew that the inevitable was possible.

"He's inside." Barry says to us. He quickly calls Joe and Iris to inform them but neither of them were answering their phones. "Joe and Iris are in trouble." He announces. "I need my powers back now." He demands as he walks to Dr. Wells direction.

"I have a theory. It's untested."

"I'm willing to roll the dice."

"Okay, you've lost your speed, yes, but nothing has changed inside you on a subatomic level. In other words, your cells are still primed...."

"They just need a jumpstart." Cisco catches on to what Dr. Wells is saying.

"Okay, how do we do that? How do we jumpstart me?"

"We need to replicate the initial jolt to your system."

"But, Dr. Wells that would mean a peak current of at least 20,000 kilo-amps," I state hoping that he has another idea that isn't so suicidal.

"Are you insane? That's more electricity than they give to people in the electric chair."

"Anna, Caitlin with Farooq in the building, we're all looking at a death sentence here." Dr. Wells reminds us of our impending possible doom.

"The spare generator's offline. If we reboot it, we could get a charge that big."

"We need something that can transmit the load from the generator to Barry's body. Without shorting out."

"The treadmill." Cisco and I look at each other knowing what we have to do.

"Our baby could take the charge." Cisco declares to everyone.

"What if Barry can't" Caitlin points out a possible flaw in our plan.

"Well, that's up to Mr. Allen." We look to Barry who is heading out of the room.

"Barry, where are you going?" I ask worried that he's going to do something drastic.

"I'm gonna talk to him." My heart dropped. He's going on a suicide mission.

"No. No." Dr. Wells keeps shaking his head.

"Okay, you didn't see him at the substation. He needed to feed. I got super speed out of the Particle Accelerator blast, but his best friends died. He woke up with a disease."

"Earlier today, you worked a crime scene when this meta-human electrocuted an innocent man. He's a murderer! And you are powerless to defend yourself against him. "Dr. Wells is getting worked up trying to convince Barry what he's doing is wrong.

"He may just need help like I did. I don't need my powers to offer him that. I have to try."

"What if what he wants is something you can't give him? Have you thought of that?" I ask stepping forward.

"Anna, I have to try something. Or more people are going to die because of it." We carefully listen in on Barry's confrontation with Farooq.

"Hey, whoa, whoa. Easy. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"You can't hurt me. Where is Harrison Wells?"

"Look, I know what happened to you. The night of the Accelerator explosion, it changed you. It changed me too." For a second it sounded like Barry got through to Farooq.

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