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I love this chapter. I hope you all feel the same, enjoy.

"You told Harry about you having powers but you didn't tell me? Your so-called best friend." Cisco is hurt and I know keeping this from him would upset him but I also thought he would understand.

"I didn't want to say it. Because if  did it would make it true."

"Why Harry? The man was barely here and you spilled that to him."

"I didn't do it intentionally. He...he just found out. I was emotional after everything with Barry and...I can't always control it."

"But you can lie about it easily."

"It was never easy Cisco. The moment these powers manifested I felt like I was becoming her. I don't want to be her."

"You could have told me. I would have...I could have helped."

"I was in denial Cisco. I barely wanted to face my feelings about Barry. How could I do that about now having powers? None of it made sense. I...I have to make peace with the fact I'm a meta now."

"You're never going to be like her."

"Funny enough that's what Barry says."

"He's done a lot wrong but he's right about that. I saw you holding back when you were fighting Caitlin. You could have easily ended her but you love her."

"Everyone here is my family. I would protect you all to the end. Caitlin needs help and I'm going to do everything I can to give it to her but..."

"You're not alone. We'll do it together."

"I feel alone though."


"There's just a part of me that feels empty and I don't know how to fill it."

"Just don't disappear on us. We need you. We love you."

"I'm sorry for keeping this a secret. I...I didn't know how to cope with something I barely understood myself. I...I don't want these powers. They...they terrify me. I have no idea what I am capable of and I don't want to hurt anyone."

"No more secrets."

"No more." Cisco and I hug each other needing to feel normal again.

"Kid gets faster every time we test him." Joe is impressed with Wally's speed. This is his third time in the speed lab and he's showing amazing numbers for only having his speed a few days.

"Mach 2." Cisco exclaims to everyone.

"Already?" Iris asks shocked. "He just got his speed a few days ago. How are his vitals?" She asks Caitlin.

"His running economy, lactate threshold are all way above expected levels." She informs her.

"I think we might have a little prodigy on our hands. Like a Wizard of Whiz." I high five Cisco.

"Guys, I don't want Wally thinking that he's Barry. Rushing off half-cocked, trying to take down Alchemy or Savitar the next time one of them shows up."

"But don't you want him to know how to properly use his abilities?" I ask her and she looks at me concerned.

"He doesn't need them."

"Maybe so but he has them. When Barry first had his abilities he was a total mess."

"Complete mess." Cisco adds and Caitlin nods her head.

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