Gorilla in the City

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Season 6 is alright, not my favorite season.

Barry came up with an idea on how to trap Grodd but it failed by Grodd taking over Joe's mind and almost having him kill himself. Joe's lucky he got off with just a scrape to the head and nothing more serious. "That damn gorilla almost got me this time." Joe states as Caitlin finishes treating him.

"Shouldn't even have a scar."

"Do you remember anything from when Grodd was controlling you?"

"Not really. Just some flashes."

"Flashes of what?" Iris asks her father.

"They were, like these images...places I've never seen before. It was like I was seeing what he was seeing." Joe explains to us.

"Gypsy said the same thing." Cisco states and Harry walks closer to Joe. "Uh-oh, here we go. I know that look. That's the I have a genius idea look."

"A couple of years back on my Earth there was a neuroscientist that was able to achieve memory recovery using transcranial magnetic simulators on brain-damaged..."

"We use that here but more as a depression treatment." Caitlin exclaims to Harry.

"Well, in this experiment, the neuroscientist focused all the energy on the occipital cortex of the patients, allowing them to achieve almost full memory recollection."

"So you think the connection Grodd creates in the brains of those he mind-controls goes both ways?" Iris asks.

"Could be."

"Maybe we could use Grodd's memories that he left behind in Joe to figure out what his plan is." I offer up an idea to everyone.

"We'd just make some TCM simulators. All it takes is some..."

"Magnets." Harry states to Cisco.

"Throw together some magnets, make a helmet out of 'em."

"Hold on. Y'all want to put a bunch of magnets against my skull to look into the mind of a psychotic, murderous ape?" Joe questions our plan.

"Yeah." Harry states like it's no big deal.

"Joe, it's no more dangerous than you being near a microwave in use. You'll be safe." I assure him.

"Fine." He looks less than thrilled to be our little guinea pig.

"Let's make it happen before Grodd tries to kill somebody else." Barry states to us but I can tell something is off with him. I follow him into the hall as he looks to the ground as he walks.

"Hey?" I call out to him and he stops to look back at me. "Is everything okay?"

"Just tired of seeing the people I care about but put in harm's way."

"We're working together to make a plan. Grodd isn't going to win Barry. We're gonna beat him." I try to reassure him but he seems different.

"And then what? We just send him back? He's just gonna come here again. We have to end this once and for all." I take in his words carefully and I fear their meaning.

"Are you saying you want to kill Grodd?" I ask pulling him into a secluded hallway so we can continue to talk in private.

"Why not?" Barry says this like there are no consequences to his actions. "That's how their society in Gorilla City works...kill or be killed. That's why he wanted me to kill Solovar. And you know what I should have. I showed too much mercy."

"Well if all arguments were based on what the gorillas did we would have never made it to the 21st century. Kill or be killed is no way to govern any society. You did what was right, Barry you always do. That's what makes you a hero with a good heart."

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