Come Inside the Mind

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I'm so happy you're all loving the twist. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

"Dude, what the hell?" Cisco asks as we try and regain our balance.

"Where are we?" Caitlin looks around.

"I don't know I..." I try and run but nothing happens. "Guys, I don't have my powers." Cisco tries to Vibe and nothing.

"Same ."

"What the hell happened? She was dreaming and now..."

"Her doppelganger in her nightmare said we should have a chat." Caitlin states with dread in her voice. "Guys I think we're inside of Anna's mind."

"How is that possible? She..."

"Her powers must be linked to some kind of telepathy interfering by observing her nightmare set something off." Caitlin explained.

"So, if we're in Anna's mind where is she?" I ask.

"In her dream, she was having a nightmare of her parent's murder. She has to be in the alley or..."

"She's at her house." I exclaim. "That's where we found her going after she disappeared from Lien Yu. That has to be where she is now."

"Do we know how to get to the house?" Caitlin asks.

"Uh...I mean we know what it looks like."

"But her dream is made up of a city that none of us know. It could..."

"Make it stop. Make it stop." We hear the cry of a small child.

"Guys that's Anna." I state.

"Are you sure?"

"It's what she would scream in her sleep. That's her."

"Let's go get our girl and get out of her head." Cisco exclaims. We listen to the small cries of Anna as they lead us to the Gotham City Police Station. We push through the door still hearing Anna's cries.

"Make it stop. Make it stop." Four-year-old Anna sits on the floor rocking back and forth. I hold my hand up to them as I slowly approach young Anna.

"Hey." She keeps rocking herself and still saying make it stop. "My name is Barry and I..."

"Do you know where my mom and dad are?" She finally acknowledges me. "I've been calling for them and..."

"Your parents love you and...they..." I look at Cisco and Caitlin.

"Why do you keep saying make it stop? Is something or someone hurting you?" Caitlin asks stepping toward her.

"Can you make it stop?"

"Make what stop?" Cisco asks.

"The guilt."

"What?" We're taken back by a four-year-old saying this.

"Do you feel guilty about the things you've done? Because I don't." We take a step back as now we're getting creeped out by a four-year-old. "Death is calming. It's needed. It's coming!"

"AHHH!" We scream as young Anna pushes us back and we land on our asses.

"Where the hell are we now?!" Cisco yells as we're in complete darkness. Clapping is heard but we don't know the source. Slowly a dim red light appears.

"Took you three long enough." Anna's doppelganger stands near a wall of armory. "I was getting a little bored."

"Why the hell do you have us here?" I demand to form her but I hit an invisible force.

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