Visit from the Future

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Sorry for the long wait. I hit a bit of a writers block but I am thrilled to let you know that i will be updating Lost and Found more often. Enjoy.

"You need to sing to me more often." I state to Barry as I lay in his arms admiring the ring once again on my finger.

"And I love these photos. I never knew you had so many." Barry looks through the photos I've kept over the years.

"I love this one the most." I hold up the photo and nestle into him more.

"How did Cisco even take this photo?"

"He was watching us after he interrupted our almost kiss on the porch." I explain to Barry.

"He is a sneaky man."

"That he is. Do you still believe we can save Iris?"

"I'm doing everything I can. I just..."

"It feels like we're just playing right into everything Savitar wants. He's here physically and we have no idea of what to do to stop him. We're just going around in circles."

"I don't want you to worry. We're going to make this okay. We're going to save Iris."

"I wish I had your optimism."

"I still can't believe you said yes to me again. I..."

"I love you, Barry Allen. Never doubt that." I lean up and kiss him.

"You after we save Iris and defeat Savitar we're going to have to start wedding planning." I groan in annoyance.

"Can't we just hire a party planner?"

"I'm surprised you don't love throwing parties?"

"There a lot of work. I just want to marry you. The party is just extra work."

"So you don't want a big wedding?"

"I want everyone we love there but...I would marry you at city hall in a simple white dress and say I do. Maybe dinner afterward."

"I never knew you would want something so simplistic." Barry states to me so surprised. I turn over so I can face Barry now.

"I can't wait to be your wife."

"Won't have to wait for too much longer."

"As a wedding gift, I want you to serenade me."

"Done and done."

"You want your cup of coffee Mr. Allen?" I ask Barry as I levitate a cup of coffee next to him.

"I could get used to this." He takes the cup and takes a sip. "This is good. did you..."

"I've been practicing."

"There's another thing we can practice." Barry lowers his voice.

"Oh, and what would that be Mr. Allen?" The cup crashes to the ground as Barry flips me underneath him. This is the best way to start the morning.

Joe wanted us to spend more time getting to know Cecile as a family since things are getting serious for him. "It's just beautiful. You know what, it matches the sparkle in your eyes." Cecile compliments.

"Aw thank you."

"Barry, your grandfather had really good taste in jewelry." Cecile states to Barry.


"Yeah, he did." Joe smiles at his son.

"Okay, so break it down. How did it happen?" Iris asks us all excited. She screamed with joy when I told her that we're engaged for real this time.

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