King of the Ocean

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What are your thoughts on the current season of The Flash?

Losing Jay took the biggest toll on Caitlin. In the short time Jay was with us she developed such a strong connection with him and watching him die in front of her crushed her. She finally felt like she was moving on from Ronnie and this happens. She just can't catch a break. All she wants is to be left alone and sleep which is something we are trying to give her but we still worry. "How's she doing?" Barry asks as he looks over at Caitlin's sleeping form.

"Not good. Anna tried to get her to go home, but she refused to leave, so you know. Anna and I just sat with her until she fell asleep."

"First Ronnie, now Jay."

"Yeah. I'm afraid what this double dose of grief is gonna do to her. I mean, she's pretty shell-shocked."

"She'll be fine." Harry states interrupting them. "Snow's strong. She'll get past this. But in the meantime, I wouldn't say anything to her about her counterpart from my Earth. That goes for Joe and Iris too. Especially Anna's."


"Because you don't want to influence their reality in ways that should not be influenced."

"Like in the same way as when Barry time-travels?" Barry glares at Cisco for even mentioning that.

"Did you know about Anna's counterpart?" Barry interrupts needing an answer to something that's been bothering him. Harry looks down and says nothing for a second.

"When I discovered more about Ms. Wayne's history on your Earth. Things started to click. I wasn't sure but...when she informed me of her being chosen as the next Ra's it all made sense."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"What's the point? Those people are not your people. Their lives are not your lives. Never were, never will be. Bury it. Move on."

"I can't move on when my girlfriend's doppelganger is a supervillain. She killed people in front of me and had no remorse."

"Anna on my Earth is far from your Anna. Besides their looks, they share little commonality."

"She killed her brother!"

"And your Anna is still very much in contact with hers." Harry tries to explain. "Yes, I knew there was a possibility of who Anna's doppelganger was but I wasn't sure until I saw her for myself. You need to promise me that you both won't mention anything. It's what is best for everyone." Cisco looks to Barry before letting out a sigh.

"Yeah, that I can do."

"Allen?" Barry looks at Harry and with regret, he nodded his head.

Cisco after having an altercation with Caitlin is relieved to see Barry. "Hey." Barry greets him.

"Did you hear that?"

"No, what?"

"Caitlin just bit my head off. She's been all business, no emotion lately. She's...been...cold."

"Cold?" Barry tilts his head to the side as Cisco hints at Caitlin being like Killer Frost. "Come on, Cisco."

"This could be the beginning of her becoming evil. You're not worried about that?"

"I'm not worried about that. Caitlin's not gonna become, Killer Frost."

"Hm." Cisco lets that sink in.

"You haven't mentioned anything about Earth-2 have you?" Barry asks Cisco.

"No, 'cause I know how to keep a secret. Unlike some of us."

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