Lots of Firsts

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I loved this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it. I just rewatched season 3 and can't wait for you all to read what I have planned.

"My dad was a little skeptical when I told him about you."

"You told your dad about me?" I ask in disbelief as we enjoy an extra-large pizza and cheese fries.

"Right after you first introduced yourself to me I had my dad do a background check on you."

"You did what?"

"My dad's a commissioner in Gotham and I had to make sure you weren't a weirdo stalker. You checked out being a CSI for CCPD and have great recommendations. Really smart but you have very little social life."

"You did your research."

"And normally when I tell people this they usually walk away and never say hi to me again."

"I guess I'm a little different than most." I get lost in her radiant smile. I have found myself getting lost in her smile more and more. Like it's the first and last time I've ever seen her.

"I'm not some weird person with trust issues or anything I just...growing up as a cops daughter I was made highly aware of people aren't always who they make themselves out to be."

"No I completely understand that. Being a CSI I have to look at all the facts about sometimes it's the person you least likely suspect who did the crime."

"Wonderful because everyone else I tried to explain that to literally never looked my way again."

"So you did your research on me and found out that I'm not some weird stalker I just..."

"Have a crush on me."

"Yeah, that I do. I know you may not feel the same way for me and I understand. It doesn't have to be returned right back I..."

"I just don't understand why? There are so many other people you could crush on. I'm just some engineer for a technology company that TA's for a graduate class just to make ends meet."

"I guess there are some things I can see about you that you can't see about yourself?"

"And what do you see in me?"

"How selfless you are despite the world being a corrupt place. You have a heart full of love that you put into everything you do and believe in."

"How do you get that from only knowing me a few weeks?"

"I guess I just have a way of reading people."

"I don't know why you would want to start a relationship with someone when we don't even live in the same city."

"There's a technology that can be used to fix that." I flirt with her and it works.

"You're funny Barry Allen and very cute."

"You think I'm cute?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I wish I didn't say that."

"Oh, but you did." I reach for her hand and she doesn't move away. "I know it might be sudden and you have every reason to not believe me but...do you feel this ease?" I point between us. "How easy it was for you and me to start talking, going out to eat and..."

"Yes, I see all of that and it worries me."


"I've never given myself the opportunity for love and with how it easy it feels to be with you and makes me wonder when will that end?"

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