Trying to Fool Zoom

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Like all other dates, we are brought back to reality as we enter the lab to learn more information about this Doctor Light character. "I thought about testing the mask for Light's DNA, but it would only have Linda's." Barry informs Wells.

"The mask, what mask?"

"Light's mask." Barry and I lead Dr. Wells from Earth 2 to the mask that was recovered after she tried to kill Linda.

"How did you get this?"

"Iris shot it off Doctor Light when she attacked Linda."

"You know how to use the mask to find Light?"

"Yes, I do. All we have to do is give it to him." Wells says looking at Cisco which confuses us.

"Why me?"

"Because you have powers." We're all awkward silence with slight laughter not sure what to say.

"What are you talking about?"

"I developed this watch to detect meta-humans." He places it on Barry and it beeps. He goes next to Caitlin and it does nothing. "You never got an alert on your phone. You never reprogrammed the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite, and this is why." Wells places his watch in front of Cisco and it beeps turning red like it did on Barry. "He's a meta-human."

"Cisco have you known about this, and you didn't say anything to us?" Barry asks taking a careful step towards our friend.

"Yeah, I was gonna tell you. Thanks a lot, Harry. I swear I was, but I didn't. I was just afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"Dr. Wells said the dark matter gave me this gift. He said that one day I'd thank him for it. What if I become like him." I bring Cisco into a hug which surprises him.

"You would never be anything like him. And I would never allow you to be. We're here for you no matter what."

"I agree with Anna. I don't think any of us would become evil if we all of a sudden got powers even if they were from Dr. Wells." Caitlin adds.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I should have said something. That's my fault. I'm sorry."

"Well, you can be sorry later, because right now we have to use your powers to find Doctor Light. Harry gets right to it not wanting to make Cisco feel better at all.

"Cisco your abilities how do they work?" Jay asks.

"Uh, I get these feelings sometimes, these vibes visions of the breachers when they come to this Earth. I'm just not sure what triggers it. Sometimes it just happens. Sometimes it's when I'm touching something of theirs."

"Touch the mask." Harry orders. "You want to find Doctor Light, do it." Cisco is hesitant as he slowly reaches for the mask. Cisco places his hand on the mask and we wait for something to happen but nothing does. He does it again and still nothing.

"I don't think I'm doing it right."

"Try again." I state to him trying to give him support.

"Try again!" Harry shouts.

"Whoa." Cisco takes a breath but stops before he touches the mask. "I'm sorry, it's not..."

"Again!" Harry yells.

"I can't control it."

"Because you're afraid."

"I'm telling you I don't know how it works! I can't just make it happen! Harry shoves the mask to Cisco and he gasps. "South Plaza rain station, platform 15."

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