Burning Up

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Sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy this new update. Expect more to come this week.

Dr. Wells, Cisco, and I are sitting back worrying as Caitlin and Barry risk their lives to save Ronnie and Professor Stein. We were able to build a device that should separate them and stop their nuclear reaction but it's still a theory but Ronnie and Professor Stein ran away to protect everyone and now it's just a matter of time if Barry and Caitlin can get to them first.

"Barry!!!" I scream as we hear the explosion go off. I nearly lose it wondering if two of the closest people in my life were taken away before my very eyes.

"Anna, it's okay. Look. "Cisco directs my attention to the suits vitals and it shows that Barry is fine.

"Guys, did it work?" I ask wanting to hear their voices.

"Did you separate them?" Cisco asks.

"I don't know." I breathe a sigh of relief hearing his beautiful voice. The three of us smile as we hear all of their voices. Ronnie and Caitlin are reuniting and Professor Stein is annoyed. All is well in the world.

"We're coming home. All of us." Barry declares and it's nice to know we were able to avoid death once again.

Cisco and I were giddy waiting for them to arrive. He's been holding so much guilt for what happened to Ronnie this is his chance to make things right. The moment I see Barry I run to him and hug him and he hugs me back never wanting to let go. It was too close of a call for me to lose him. I just got him and I can't bare the thought of him not being around.

"Ronnie Raymond." Cisco greets as the elevator opens.

"Cisco." They bro hug.

"It's good to see you, Ronnie." I say separating from Barry and heading over to hug him which he picks me up in a giant bear hug. One that reminds me of how Bruce used to greet me when he was around.

"It's amazing to see you too. It's amazing to see all of you again."

"I missed you so much, man." Cisco says when Ronnie and I stop hugging. "I shouldn't have locked you in there." I pat Cisco's shoulder.

"Hey, don't." Ronnie responds to him.

"Welcome back, Mr. Raymond." Dr. Wells joins us.

"Dr. Wells." Ronnie didn't seem angry or upset which is a good thing. "Caitlin told me what happened to you. I'm so sorry."

"I'm responsible for putting myself in this chair. You are responsible for my still being alive...thank you." He never says thank you, so this is big.

"You said you'd bring him back, and you did. Thank you." Caitlin is the happiest I've ever seen her. She has the love her life back and she can feel at peace again.

"You're welcome."

"Excuse me." We turn back to Professor Stein. "Are we all planning to sing Kumbaya next?"

"Professor Stein, I presume."

"Harrison Wells. Do you have somewhere I can freshen up and get a change of clothes?"

"Of course, follow us, professor." I lead the way with Dr. Wells beside me

Caitlin is running a test on Ronnie making sure everything is as normal as they can be with him. She doesn't want to risk anything with his health. "Yep...just when I forgot how awkward it was to walk in on you two." Cisco is ever the romantic.

"Well, you can get used to it again." Caitlin is beaming from ear to ear with excitement to have Ronnie back.

"So, I did a full medical workup on the Professor." Dr. Wells hands over his files to Caitlin and Ronnie. "It turns out that now that he and Ronnie are separated, they no longer possess the ability to harness nuclear energy." He informs them as they look over the files.

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