What's Wrong Now?

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So season 3 will be drawn out a little longer than normal. And you all will find out why in the later chapters. Until then enjoy.

After getting somewhat caught up on the mess I've made I had to vent to someone. I raced as fast as I could to Star City to explain everything to Felicity. I race in and papers go scattering everywhere. "No." Felicity whines as her papers go flying.

"So I reset everything. I put everything back to the way that it was before. Except some things weren't the same anymore. Not even a little bit."

"Who, who, who." Felicity stops me. "Slow down. Take a deep breath." I do as she says but I'm still freaking out. "You were talking way too fast."

"Yeah." I rub my head.

"What happened?"

"I really screwed up, Felicity. And this time I don't know if I can fix it." I lay everything out for Felicity and let her process it but I can tell it's still a lot.

"Okay, let me get this straight. You ran back in time?" She points to me.


"Stopped Reverse-Flash from killing your mom and then lived in an alternate reality where both your parents were alive?"


"And then you restored the timeline, came back to the moment you left and noticed that things were different?"


"Does that just happen when you travel through time? Do things just change like that?"

"No, I mean, not like this." I defend. "Not on...I don't know. I don't know Felicity. I don't know what I'm gonna do."

"Okay, why don't you just run me through...walk me through what happened? And we'll uh...we'll try and figure it out. So what changed?"

"I knew once I got back last night some things had changed, but before I could figure out exactly how much, I had to deal with someone this morning." I explain to her about me stopping the thief on the motorcycle. "After he was taken care of, I went to S.T.A.R. Labs, and that's when I found out a lot more had changed than I realized."

"What kind of idiot thinks I can't outrun bullets?" I boast as I come back to the Lab.

"That guy should be a criminal poster boy for what not to do against The Flash." Wally comes over and high fives me.

"So what are we gonna call him?" I ask everyone but they just stare at me.

"You mean like a nickname?"

"Yeah. Cisco does it for all of them, he's like the master of it. Can't just call him Suspect on a Motorcycle, right? What do you think?" I ask looking at Cisco who hasn't made eye contact with me.

"I don't know."

"I'll take this one. Uh, The Crook." No one is impressed. "Lame? A Five-Finger...'

"How about Thief?" Cisco cuts me off. "He robs stuff. Let's just call him Thief." I can feel the tensions in the room. "I gotta go to the gym. Excuse me." Cisco walks right past me not saying another word.

"The gym? Is he...is he, like working out, now or..."

"You know, Barry, sometimes your jokes just aren't very funny." Caitlin leaves and is quickly followed by Iris, Joe, and Wally so it's just me and Anna.

"So how are things with you? Is that a hickey?" I'm all up in Anna's space looking at the giant purple bruise on her neck. She swats me away.

"What the hell are you doing?"

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