Another Team Up

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Thank you for all the support. I love hearing from you all. Enjoy this update.

I never thought I would be back in Starling City again after being turned away from Oliver so many times. But here I am again but this time under different circumstances. Instead of waiting for Felicity to send us the sample of Sara's blood Cisco and Caitlin are adamant on visiting what they have dubbed as The Arrow-Cave.

Seeing how the city is still the dark and grungy place it's always been doesn't surprise me, but what does is in place of Queen Consolidated is Palmer Technology. I heard Oliver's company was failing and needed help but I never knew he lost it to none other than Ray Palmer. "Almost done in here Jerry." Felicity speaks into her phone. "You should have gone home hours ago."

"Who's Jerry?" Caitlin asks her. Felicity is stunned to see us.

"This place is bigger than my apartment." Cisco goes to take pictures but I stop him. There are a time and place to act like a tourist and this is not one of them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Felicity asks us.

"You asked us to analyze the DNA off the arrow that killed Sara." Caitlin states.

"I was just going to mail you the sample."

"We had some vacation days coming so..."

"We want to see The Arrow-Cave." Cisco cuts me off.

"We don't' call it that." Felicity stops him. She pushes past us. "Ever."

"But I have to see the toys! I need to see the toys."

"I'm sorry for his forwardness. He's been like this the whole ride here." I explain to Felicity.

"Do you guys have an Arrow-mobile?" Caitlin and Cisco won't stop smiling at Felicity. This is going to be a long trip.

"Don't touch that." Oliver orders at Cisco who keeps examining all of his arrows and other gadgets. Oliver and I still don't greet each other and I'm fine with that. I'm sure with time I will make the move to forgive him but today is not that time.

"Or that. It's a Jettisoning Arrow uses compressed CO2..."

"Compressed CO2 to jettison high tensile..."

"To strengthen polymer cables." I finish Cisco's assessment of Oliver's weapons as I look around at his so-called lair.

"Yep." Oliver is annoyed just like was when I used to correct him when I tutored him in college. He hated me being a know it all as he put it and hated him being a man whore so I guess we're even.

"Since when did we start selling admission to the Arrow Cave?" Oliver's apprentice Roy asks.

"It's..." Oliver is losing it now. "Do you see what you've done?" He points his finger at Felicity.

"Anna, you have to come see this." I go towards where Cisco is looking at Oliver's uniform. "I have so many ideas for improvements."


"And this...oh, oh, man!" He runs to Roy's red suit with a child-like grin on his face. "This is the bomb. And I mean red is so much cooler than green, am I right?" He gushes to Roy who finally smiles.

"Hmm. I am really starting to like this guy."

"Hey what is that for?" I follow where Caitlin is pointing at and notice the Salmon Ladder.

"Distracting me from work." Felicity answers and I can't help but chuckle at her comment.

"So, where's Mr. Diggle?" I asked changing the subject.

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