Understanding and Mirror Images

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I am so excited for you all to read what I have planned. I hope you will all love what will come.

"Anna." Iris comes over to me and I knew what she's going to talk to me about.

"Iris, I can't do this right now I..."

"What Barry did was wrong. He changed our lives for selfish reasons and he was wrong for doing that."

"I can't blame him for changing the timeline Iris." I say with tears in my eyes. "I know from my own loss I would take the chance if I could have my family back."

"You would?"

"My parents being murdered right in front of me when I was four years old forever changed me. I would give anything to have them back."

"So what has you so hesitant to trust him?"

"Iris it's not that simple."

"Barry changed the timeline where my dad and I got along. Where I wasn't furious with him for keeping the secret of my mom alive from me. I understand he shouldn't have done the things he did but...he loves you, Anna."

"Did he tell what he did in this alternate timeline?"

"He lived with his parents and..."

"He made a life with this normal version of myself Iris." She's silent as she understands what the issue is. "I...after my double killed Henry, he never looked at me the same way ever again."

"How he looks at you now is..."

"It doesn't change what he said to me even if he doesn't remember it."

"I was there when he called you those things but he was grieving. He didn't mean it."

"Doesn't mean it didn't hurt any less." I'm full-on bawling. "The man I love with my whole heart broke up with me because of my Earth-2 doppelganger. Then my double goes and murders his father in front of him and even though he knows we're different people he...he can't get past seeing me like her. I..."

"That was wrong with him and you should talk to him."

"Iris, like I told Barry. I will trust him as The Flash, but as Barry Allen that can't help. Because Barry Allen has hurt me more than I can handle."

"Will you help me convince others to give him a chance?"

"That's a big favor, Iris."

"I know he hurt you but I also know you better than that. You only hurt this much because of how much you still and will always love Barry."

"You're telling me something I already know Iris. I've never stopped loving Barry, but he tossed me away when I never did anything wrong." Iris brings me into a hug and I can't help but cry on her shoulder. "He told me before he changed the timeline I said to him I would wait for however long it would take for him to get over his father's death. It's exactly what I would have said to him if he hadn't told me I was a monster."

"I won't push anything, Anna. I just want you to know all the facts."

"Thank you, Iris."

"So?" No one is convinced as Iris lays everything out for them.

"He changed our lives, Iris. And he kept that secret from us. You really just want us to just be okay with that?" Wally makes a good point.

"All I'm saying Wally, is that he made a mistake."

"Yeah, he did." Cisco mutters.

"Cisco." I speak up surprising him. "We all do things for the people we love. We all make mistakes. "You told Captain Cold that Barry was The Flash in order to protect your brother." I remind him which is harsh at this time but it needs to be done.

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