Fighting to Remember

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Here is an update and I hope you all enjoy it. We're getting close to the end of this book. Stay tuned for the second book to come.

Iris informed me that Barry is hungry so I meet him at Jitters. He waves me down. He seems so innocent and just the happiest version of Barry I've ever seen. "Hi, An...wait do I call you my fiancé Anna or just Anna?" He asks me all hyper that it makes me smile.

"Anna is fine Barry." I take the seat across from him.

"So I looked over those photos and some..." He gulps and turns red. "Some of those videos." He whispers the last part.

"" I ask concerned that he would watch that in public. He nods his head and I hide my face a little. Well, this just go more embarrassing.

"But don't worry one saw us...and might I add you are very beautiful." Barry compliments me and even when he doesn't remember who he is. He still finds a way to make me blush.

" until we figure out how to make your memories come back is there anything you would like to know?" I ask trying to pass the time and keep myself from worrying more than I already am.

"Okay so...what am I like? Hobbies? Interest? How we first met?" He rapid fires off these questions in such a Barry like fashion.

"Well, we can start with hobbies. You love anything to do with science."

"Really?" Barry questions me.

"I thought for sure I would be into sports. Maybe basketball?" I laugh at Barry's thought of himself. "What? Am I not good at sports?" Barry joins in my laughter now.

"It's not that you're bad it's're very clumsy." I explain to him.

"How clumsy?"

"I'm surprised you haven't burned down the lab with how many times you can trip over your own two feet." I state and Barry lets out this pure laughter that could put a smile on anyone's face.

"Well, that's good to know. No to sports." Barry draws a line in the air mimicking him crossing out sports on paper. "Okay, so how did we meet?"

"You were in an accident that put you in a coma for nine months and during that time I was helping monitoring you and seeing if there were any changes. And when you woke I was one of the people helping you heal."

"So you brought me back to life?" Barry asks and I shake my head. "I mean you're beautiful and very smart. How could I possibly get you to say yes to marrying someone like me?"

"You want my honest answer?" I ask and he nods his head.


"Love for me is hard to come by. Those I love most have a tendency to die or leave me so I got used to keeping people at a distance Barry Allen." I can't stop smiling as I look at Barry. "You melted my cold heart're the love of my life." I explain to him.

"That is so sweet. So do we have a wedding date yet? Have I met your parents? Did I ask your dad for permission? Because that's still a thing." Barry rambles on and I feel that sadness in my heart knowing the answers to those questions are rooted in a lot of darkness.

"My parents are dead." I answer and his smile falls instantly.

"Oh, Anna. I'm so sorry. I h..." I grab his hand rubbing soothing circles on it.

"It's okay. They died a long time ago. Nothing for you to be sorry for." I assure him.

"But we are getting married right? I mean that ring is too beautiful for us not to get married." Barry looks at the ring he proposed to me with.

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