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I love these chapters. Let me know what you think.

The training with Supergirl just shows how unprepared we are to go up against an alien army. She literally does nothing as everyone else is heavy breathing. She is indestructible and we're screwed. "Even though you're about to lead them through an alien war?" I stop what I'm doing hearing Cisco's voice. "Even after Flashpoint?" His voice is getting louder and more of the team is tuning into his not so private conversation with Barry. "After everything you've messed up? All the lives you've changed? You still don't think you should tell them?"

"Tell us what?" Sara breaks the tension asking the question we're all dying to know the answer to. Cisco ushers for Barry to speak the truth and takes a step back.

"Uh. Jax and Professor Stein found a message from me in the future saying that, right now, I can't be trusted."

"And why would future you say that?"

"I think because I went back in time and changed the timeline. And now things here are different than before I left. Including some of your lives." The whole energy in the room dropped as Barry delivers this bombshell.

"Some of our lives? Like who?" Kara asks.

"Cisco. Caitlin, Wally. Dig."

"Me? Why? What happened?" Oliver goes to whisper into his friend's ear and Dig's face falls. "I had a daughter, Barry?"

"Baby John was Baby Sara."

"So, wait you, let me get this straight. You just just erased a daughter from my life?" Dig questions him and I know this is hard for Barry.

"Yeah. Anna." He looks at me and there are tears in his eyes. "I...I never told you but before I changed everything your brother he was around. You talked to him all the time. He didn't go missing like he is now. He..."

"My brother was still in my life before Flashpoint?" I ask and he nods his head. "H...why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to hurt you more than I already did."

"You can't go back and just changed things like that, Barry." Sara jumps in to grill him now. I know she would as she's the new acting captain of the Legends.

"I know."

"You know how hard it is for me to not alter events? To bring my sister back? But I don't, because I know the implications." Sara looks back to Dig who won't look at anyone.

"And all those aberrations we spent the last eight months traveling through time trying to just decided to create your own?" Ray joins in now.

"We should've told'em before." Jax jumps in now and I lower my head.

"Guys? Guys, it's Lyla. The President's been abducted by the Dominators." Felicity interrupts everyone. "She needs us now." No one moves as everything we've been working to is broken with this revelation.

"Okay, you guys go. All right? I'm gonna sit this one out. Obviously, you have Supergirl. She's just as fast as I am. Get the President. We can talk about this later." They leave without another word. Barry walks over to Kara who is unsure of what to do. "You still trust me right?"

"I'll always trust you. But it might take more to convince them."

"If you need me, I'll be there."

"Guys, this is cr...hey!" Oliver yells getting everyone's attention. "This is crazy! Everyone is going, including Barry. I...I'm not going without him."

"Then you'll be here, Oliver." Dig answers for everyone and it pisses me off.

"So one mistake he made and you're all going to turn your backs on him?" I ask getting pissed off with everyone.

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