Celebratory End

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I don't know if anyone else loved season 5 but I love it. I have so many plans for Barry and Anna. I can't wait for you all to read what I have planned.

Barry and I came back to the lab after getting me a change of clothes and a hot meal to check on Caitlin. She was brilliant in thinking of a way to wake me up but since then she knocked out. She hasn't slept in days and we're all worried about her. Why would Zoom just let her go? "Hey." Cisco brings me into a giant hug. "I was so worried about you."

"Thank you for getting Barry back." I thank him.

"Hey, if I'm to be the best man at your wedding the groom has to be there." He jokes and Barry smiles.

"Of course you will man." Barry takes a seat and we all look over at Caitlin.

"She's out like a light, huh?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah. Jay really did a number on her."

"It's not like he exactly used kid gloves on the rest of us."

"She'll be okay. She just needs time. And for us to finally bring Zoom down. Which we will."

"Yeah, because the universe is with us, right?" Cisco jokes a little with Barry. "Listen, man..." Cisco stops and we notice him not doing anything.


"Hey, are you okay?" I ask touching his arm and he jumps.

"You just vibe?" Barry asks him.


"What'd you see?"

"I saw a bird. Like a dead bird." An alert goes off and we go racing to it.

"Mercury Labs. It's under attack."

"All right." Barry races to the lab to see what he can do.

Barry brings back Dr. McGee who apparently knows who he is even though he had his cowl covering his face. But that was bound to happen eventually. "So how did you know?" He asks her.

"Your real identity?"


"Come on, Barry, I'm a scientist. We're paid to be perceptive. And you're always a little too well informed when things go pear-shaped in this city." Barry nods his head and he comes over to me and wraps my arm around his waist. "But I don't believe we've ever met before. Dr. Christina McGee." She extends her hand out to Henry.

"Doctor Henry Allen. I'm Barry's father."

"Okay, now that the cat's out of the bag, did you happen to see who it was that cause your building to collapse?"

"I didn't see anything. It happened so fast."

"Maybe the security cameras caught something?" Caitlin offers and it's good to have her back on her feet.

"Can we access them?" Henry asks Dr. McGee.

"Mercury Labs does have a crash-survivable memory unit."

"A what?"

"It's a black box for buildings." I explain to everyone. "It will have stored all the security footage right up until the building collapsed. Wayne Enterprise has one in all of its buildings."

"Really?" Cisco asks me.

"Always. You never know who will try to break in or cause damage to my family's company."

"Okay, great I'll go find it. This wasn't some random meta-human. Whenever Mercury Labs has been targeted in the past there's always been a specific reason." Barry explains to Dr. McGee.

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