Giving Romance A Shot

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Here's another update. enjoy Anna and Barry.

We all stand outside in the cold at Ferris Airfield watching Barry nearly miss getting taken down by our drone or getting enough energy to destroy them. Everyone's anxious about not hurting Barry, but we also don't want to make it too easy on him either.

"That was too close." Caitlin warns us. She started worrying about Barry's safety the moment when landed back in the states.

"He told Anna and me to make it hard, which also what Anna makes Barry." I gasp at Cisco crude comment.

"Cisco!" Caitlin and I both say to him.

"Hey, you girls gossip and we guys talk as well. There's nothing wrong that Barry and Anna got it on at Christmas." Cisco winks at me and I shake my head.

"Back to the task at hand Cisco, and then I will get back to killing you." I narrow my eyes at him which he ignores.

"We're pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead." The worry is high in Caitlin's voice. She barely looks at Barry's demonstrations for fear he will be injured or mangled because of our technology.

"Remember, this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed." Dr. Wells reminds us.

"Cisco, Anna, are you two gonna bring it or what?" Cisco and I share a look and then we turn it to Dr. Wells who lets a huff of air.

"Bring it." He orders and we gladly push the button releasing the missiles. One explodes next to Barry knocking him to the ground. I feared we went too hard on him, but he begins to stand and do the unthinkable.

"Why isn't he running away?" Before our eyes, he stands his ground waiting for the incoming missile. "Barry runaway." Caitlin warns him and I pray he will make it out of this safe and sound. In seconds Barry leaps into the air and tackles the missile turning it around for it to collide with the drone stopping any further attacks. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding until now.

Barry strolls back to us looking more confident than ever and I'm relieved that he's not hurt. We have a pile of Bug Belly burgers ready for him to devour while we check his data to compare to earlier tests. It looks positive since he was able to stop a missile at to speed with ease.

"Very impressive, Mr. Allen." Dr. Wells complements Barry. I help Cisco bring out the huge supply of Big Belly Burger to refuel Barry's energy.

"You did awesome out there." I hand Barry his hundredth Big Belly Burger.

"Thanks. You and Cisco did awesome building those drones."

"Why don't you two just make out!" Barry and I drop our jaws at Cisco's outburst. "Sorry, I said that out loud."

"You seem more interested in our relationship than we do." I stated looking at Cisco as he eats a burger.

"Someone has to. You two made out at Christmas and still nothing? If there's no hope for you two what does that say about the rest of us."

"We're taking things slow and..."

"Enough with the slow talk. I need my favorite couple to get together now! I want adorable and ridiculously smart babies now. One of them will be named after me."

"Cisco, I thought we agreed you wouldn't meddle in Barry and Anna's relationship." Caitlin comes back to join us.

"Yeah, that lasted for two minutes and then these two are again giving each other flirtatious eyes and I can't help it. Just date already and make us all happy!"

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