Prologue: Meeting My System

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A/N: Just some quick edits~


A pale sickly young boy covered in bloody bandages opened his eyes and looked around. He has long light bluish silver hair, a pair of beautiful pale icy blue almond eyes framed with long full lashes, a small nicely curved and small nose, pale red petal like lips, and flawless skin that is as smooth and soft as jade. His long lashes drooped downward, making his appearance extremely meng*. (Meng = cute)

His eye carefully scanned around the room for any signs of life, his face remained impassive. His slender brows furrowed as his eyes swept across the space one again. He woke up in a small white room shrouded in pure white. There was a small plain desk, a chair, and a bed where he laid on. It was blinding to look at and he squinted his eyes.

He had never liked the color white, it was too pure and it easily got sullied. In the world where he grew up, it would soon be tainted with the ugliness that lies in people's hearts.

This was not where he usually woke up in, nor did he see that dreadful 'father' of his.

[Welcome, my name is Bao Bao. Would you like to live? If so, sign a contract with me?]

( '[...]' Bao Bao speaking out loud. '<...>' Bao Bao speaking through telepathy.)

The young man, "..."

He looked around the room but didn't see anyone in the space that he was in. The young man's gaze sharpened. His eyes were like a deep dark well, emotionless and cold. Bao Bao felt goosebumps on his non-existent flesh from the young man's stares.


The young man remained silent, "..."

[*Coughs* ...If you sign a contract with me, I will help you in return.] Ahh, why is my first host like this? His eyes are scaring me! Bao Bao didn't do anything. Bao Bao is so meng, Bao Bao is a good system!

The young man's mouth faintly curved upwards, "Yes."

The young man didn't care who it was that he struck a deal with, if it was the devil or a God he would have agreed. Whatever and whoever it maybe, he would take their outstretched hand. Right now he was too weak, he needed more power to end the root of his suffering. In his memorizing eyes, flashed an unfathomable light and quickly disappears as it fast as it came.

If Bao Bao had heard the young man's thoughts, he would've spit blood by now and lamented on how he didn't get a cute and innocent host but a demon instead.

But how could the young man know any different? He only wanted to live. He wasn't taught how to, after all 'they' had only sought him out purely for the outcome only.

Bao Bao who was preparing to continue talking almost choked on his own words, [There's more bene- Eh? What?] Huh? How can you agree so easily? I still had so much to say to host... Wuuu~~~ Stupid manual... You didn't tell Bao Bao that hosts could be like this... Now Bao Bao embarrassed himself.

Bao Bao had wanted to seem 'cool' to his 'host', for his first time. As they say, first impressions are the most lasting.

(A/N: But you didn't even bond yet Bao Bao... Aren't you maybe moving a little too fast???)

The young man didn't speak again and stayed silent, "..."

Mmmm... It seems my host doesn't like taking much... Oh well, he can listen and I will do the talking! Hehe~

Bao Bao cleared his throat, [*Ahem* Uh, well then. Um... Establish soul link!]

Right after Bao Bao announces, a piercing bright light shines in front of the young man. The young man is forced to close his eyes, otherwise it would've made him go blind. (A/N: Literally...)

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