Young Master (XIV)

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(A/N: sorry for the late update!! ( ̄▽ ̄;) )

Mr. and Mrs. Long were both shocked. They had thought that Mr. and Mrs. Wei would hire someone to attend to their son. Seeing their reactions, Mrs. Wei smiled bitterly, "We have to return by tomorrow evening. You see, we can only trust you guys."

Mrs. Long assured Mr. and Mrs. Wei, "Ah, it's alright. There's no need to worry, our son is already acquainted with your Xiao'er, so he won't be lonely when he stays with us."

Mr. Wei faintly smiled, his voice was filled with gratitude, "Thank you. We will come back with in four months, by then we will have everything sorted out."

Mr. Wei scanned his eyes over the servants once more, "And surely, all the rats will be gone too."

The servants all shivered at Mr. Wei's word, they had thought that they would've been let off the hook, but how could Mr. Wei simply leave them be? They had once trusted all the servants in the house but they either quickly changed sides for their own greed or they weren't trustful enough in their employers that they submitted to another. Though there was only a handful that Wei Yue decided to tackle, it showed Mr. Wei just how simple it was to shake their loyalty in their own servants.

They needed to make sure that all of them were loyal and trustworthy and because they haven't done anything wrong, Mr. Wei was leaving them a way out.

After settling what was the on their minds, Mr. and Mrs. Long bid their farewell and headed home. While Long Zixi decided to stay with the Wei's until the doctor arrived. The servants had been dismissed earlier and were attending to their duties with added on work from their peers that were 'handled'.

When the doctor arrived, he was shocked to see Wei Xiao's condition. They had called earlier and informed him of what was going on but he had been out of the city, and so he could only inform his nurse of the medications to give to Wei Xiao to stabilize his fever until he came back to the city.

The doctor felt heartache for Wei Xiao, because he was the family physician he interacted with Wei Xiao since he was young. But because he was just an outsider, he couldn't say much and could only advise them of what they needed to look out for. The doctor first checked Wei Xiao's condition to make sure that everything was okay before he decided to proceed with anything else.

After checking and making sure that Wei Xiao was stable, he instructed the Wei's on the necessary medication that Wei Xiao needed to take and what to look out for if there was any side effects. Afterwards, the doctor left but with reluctance. He had more to say but knew better than to let his mouth run off.

As the doctor was conducting his examination and proceeding to medicate Wei Xiao, he was conversing with Bao Bao. He felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier and the sounds of everyone else talking was becoming more and more muffled.


After hearing her parents words, Wei Yue was livid with anger. How could he get such a treatment while she was sent away to a shitty small apartment?

Wei Yue grabbed her stuff toys and tossed them around the room. She shouted at the maids and pointed to the door, "Get out!"

One of the maids tried to call her down and reason with her, but Wei Yue just grabbed more of her things and threw it at them. Seeing that this wasn't going to go anywhere, the maids left the room.

Wei Yue's chest heaved up and down. Her heart pounding like crazy. She wanted him gone and soon too. Though she had planned for his demise, on the date do their mother's birthday. He was like a tumor that only continued to grow if left alone.

Wei Yue walked over and grabbed her cell phone. She turned on her screen and went to her call log and clicked on one of her contacts, under the name "Big Boy".

The other side ranged for thirty seconds before they picked up. Wei Yue smirked, "Hey, we need to push up the date."

After the doctor left, Long Zixi had to go attend to his business so the Wei's were left alone. Wei Xiao had been heavily drugged and was deep asleep. He had been moved back into his room and the security around his room was tightened.

They also replaced the two security guards that had been there before. Mrs. Wei was talking with Butler Wang about getting new workers for the manor and weeding out the fickle rats. Mr. Wei was making calls overseas, checking on the progress of their project.

Wei Yue had blown off her steam already and after making the call, she had calmed down to an almost eerie state. Bao Bao was hovering around Wei Yue's room commenting on how her room did not portray her ugliness.

Because Wei Xiao was asleep, Bao Bao couldn't inform the host that Wei Yue planned a big 'present' for him in less than half a month. Bao Bao marveled her predictability.

He gave her an applause, then a standing ovation for her 'flawed' but simple minded thoughts.

Oi! Why don't you come up with something more clever! Even Bao Bao can see through your schemes much less my 'lovely' host. Hmph, don't insult my host's IQ with your petty plans. \\\٩('^')۶////

Bao Bao can't help but pray and light a candle for whoever you're going to marry.

Bao Bao didn't want to watch this bimbo any longer. He felt his brain cells dying every second but he had to, his host depended on him, and Bao Bao wanted to make up for his mistake of not asking his host for his name when they first met.

Back in Wei Xiao's room, he had just woken up as the medications started to wear off. Wei Xiao wanted to shift his aching and sore body but he couldn't. Wei Xiao called for Bao Bao, <System.>

Bao Bao was ecstatic as his brain was on the brink of destruction from being with Wei Yue. <Yessss~~~ ( 'θ)>

<Did anything happen while I was asleep?>

<Your sis- *ahem* Wei Yue decided to accelerate her plan and moved it to two weeks from now.> Bao Bao thought it was too insulting to it's host to call Wei Yue it's host's 'sister' and corrected himself.

<Mhm. What about everyone else?>

<Mmmm.... Long Zixi is doing his gangster thing. Your mother is looking for new servants with Uncle Wang. Your Father is checking on the status on the current work of your parent's project overseas. Annnd! You just woke up.>

Wei Xiao furrowed his brows. Why did Bao Bao include him in his report. Maybe Bao Bao is not up to date with his software...

Bao Bao would've spit blood and cried if he hear his host's thoughts. His host was like a wooden block, his emotions were almost nonexistent and he doesn't understand jokes. He's simply too straightforward.

Seeing that Wei Xiao was just staring at him with his one good eye, Bao Bao starts to worry for his child and his future. With his low EQ, he will definitely have trouble at receiving love hints.

Bao Bao adds onto his lists of 'Things to Help Host with', #33 Help host find a lover.

(A/N: Ah, Bao Bao you... you don't need to. I think that someone might accidentally kill you if you do... as your mother I'm worried for your life here...

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