Catastrophe (IX)

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The next morning, Allen woke up bright and early. He took out some dried beef jerky and two bottles of water that he had taken from his pillages. Allen gave Irvin a larger portion of the beef jerky and a bottle of water. Irvin, "What are your plans now?"

Allen chewed on the hard dried meat with a nonchalant face, "Find my brother."

Irvin, "Do you even know how far base A is?"

Allen frowned, "No... but I need to find him. I need to tell him that I'm okay."

Irvin raised his eyebrows in curiosity. That bro-con idiot had always talked about how cute and adorable his younger brother was. Many, including Irvin thought that Allen would be like a spoiled rich kid but on the contrary Allen was quite 'normal'.

With the small amount of time that Irvin had spent with Allen, Irvin found out that the young boy was wise beyond his age. If you ignored that he could kill a conversation with his one or two words reply and that he was usually quiet, Allen was quite pleasing to be with.

He didn't whine, he would try and carry his own weight. His instincts in detecting hostility wasn't far below Irvin's and he wasn't like the others who would scream their heads off, although he was scared he didn't become an extra baggae. Maybe it was because he almost came face to face with death that his instincts were on point and that he had come out of the city alone, that he knew the a lot about the zombies.

Irvin proposed, "Why don't you come with me? I need to find my younger brother, he should be coming back to base B by this afternoon. After we can all head over to base A."

Allen thought for a moment before agreeing, "Okay."

What was there for him to lose? Irvin's comrades would be similar to him, yes? The pros out weighed the possible cons in Allen's mind. The two set out around ten o'clock. Now that Irvin had a gun in his hand, he could clear out any incoming trouble and if they got close, he still had the hunting knife that Allen had given him.

But in truth, the only reason why Allen joined was because Bao Bao had told him that another hidden mission had been unlocked. He needed as many points as he could get and naturally accepted what came his way.

{Hidden Mission: Reunite Irvin Strioh with Noel Strioh. - 1,550 points }

It took them half an hour to get back to base B. Just like how Irvin had guessed, the base was utterly destroyed by the morning. There wasn't a living soul left inside. Irvin took Allen to the rendezvous point that was. There he would meet up with Noel and the others. They camped at the spot until the arrival of the others.


Noel had a foreboding feeling and decided to come back as soon as possible. When Noel and his team came back, they felt dread well up inside of them. There was smoke coming from the base and the grounds were covered in blood. They wanted to rush in but they also had to consider that there maybe enemies there as well.

They proceeded with caution and made sure to check every nook and cranny for any survivors. They would slaughter all zombies that came close to them.

As the got farther into the base, they saw more and more of the devastation that paid a visit to their base. Some of the younger members in their group wanted to cry. Their families had resided inside of the base and naturally, they saw some of their family member's bodies or as a zombie.

It was tragic as they had to put down their own family members. They couldn't linger here, they sobered up their feelings and proceeded with their teammates.

They had almost reached the rendezvous point and hoped that perhaps there was a few survivors that made it. Noel was especially tense, he had seen the mutilated bodies of the men under his brother. He only anticipate for what he was going to discover.

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